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Lost two weekends due to other people needing "days off" this month. Been here two and a half years, still have yet to see anyone do any actual "work" that constitutes time off, but eh... 



That sucks

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I think I tore my left rotator cuff while working on my Malifaux City boards (board slipped out of my hand, I lunged for it...badly). Urgent care gave me prescription pain killers and told me to make an appointment with my regular doc. Building fiddly models like the Steam Trunk while hopped up on Vicodin is...interesting.


So...you holding up OK since this? Rotator cuff injuries seem like they'd be really annoying- brain's registering "hurt muscle" but when you try to do certain things with it it's closer to "arm is useless."


What in the hell? Won The Dreamer in an Ebay auction and what arrived this morning? Sonnia Criid contacted the seller and he said to keep her as an apology and the Dreamer will be sent out shortly!!


My favourite Monday so far!


That's a pretty sweet deal. Sonnia's fun. I wish I had picked up her alt metal sculpt when I had the chance- some of those alt masters are among the best things Wyrd's ever done in my arrogant opinion (I bought Alt Justice just because it's a great sculpt, and Alt Lilith in case I ever get good enough at painting to do pinup work ;)


As for lazy co-workers, I have one co-worker who basically wants to shop online as much as possible, yet when she's under pressure she delivers outstanding work. She goes through so much effort to avoid doing stuff that I think she's negative on the old Mad Magazine Laziness Factor:


Laziness Factor = work avoided - work done to avoid work avoided.


The exercise ball I was using as a chair at work sprang a leak #firstworldproblems #seriouslycanyougetmorefirstworldthanthat

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