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Incidentally, has anyone seen a tactica/discussion on the effigies anywhere?  Just curious as to what they are seen as most useful for...


Step 1. Put Brutal into any Wave 1 Guild crew.

Step 2. Profit.

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Lol, I was planning on using it with Lady J...


Actually, just checked the Wiki for them and a few have some good write ups..a couple could do with some expanding though..

Sounds like a few of the Wiki articles to be honest

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I won my first dreadball game last night!  The whole store cheered because my team, while fun, sucks.  :P


I almost think a Zee victory should be worth double the ranking points in a league system because it's so hard to win with them.


Jell-O is disgusting to me now. I can only eat chocolate or rice puddings. Yogurt is something I blend with fruit. In a blender. 


Mmmmmm smoothies


There is but one use for gelatin for me now- Jell-O Shots.


I haven't used the Effigies since the old days. Hodgepodge could be a major annoyance or potentially really lethal, and Carrion could fly around and poison people (and was fun to pair with Rafkin for healing shenanigans). The Effigies are another instance where I think I actually prefer the metals. Hodgepodge doesn't look like something out of Marilyn Manson's dreams anymore :(

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While we're on the topic the tournaments, I'll ask for everyone else's opinions here. I've only heard in passing on the Masters that are considered "Top Tier", and wanted to know what your take on the Masters I should expect to see. This will be my first tournament, and I don't expect to win, not by a long shot.  But just so I'm not going in blind, what would you expect to see a lot of?


We've mentioned Perdita, Hamelin and Leveticus already.  Would you expect to see a lot of TT Masters there?  My first choice to bring originally was (and still is, honestly) Misaki. I've the most experience with playing her, and have gotten the hang of most of her abilities and her synergies with the TT's.  The only missing piece to my TT faction would be the Monks of High River.


Thanks a lot! :D

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Most Common Tournament Masters


Guild: Perdita, Sonnia, Lucius


Resurrectionists: McMourning, Seamus, Nicodem


Arcanists: Colette, Marcus, Ramos (Joss & Howard), Mei Feng


Neverborn: Collodi, Pandora, Dreamer


Outcasts: Viks, Leveticus


Gremlins: Ophelia, Somer (gunline), Brewmaster


Ten Thunders: Misaki


Note: This list is pretty dependant on what is currently released ;) (Shenlong WILL make it to this list)

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I have played against a ton of Jack Daw in tournament too.  But mostly Levi with outcasts.  You will also see a lot of Lilith in tournaments.  (I've never actually played against Pandora in a tournament setting, only casual games)

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He went on a posting spree at 9 am, his local time. I know this because I was up until 2 am, my local time, because too hot to sleep and I was bored on here. 


I know he did. I was waiting for him to come in here, which he didn't. I just hope he's okay.

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