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2. Malifaux has no equivalent of that amount of bat-shit crazy.

I will give you an example:

You take the Vikkies, add Pandora and Sonnia with a hint of Perdita and that's about what we're looking at with mine.

That is an utter destruction with a shit tonne of mind games with a fuck load of collateral damage.

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Just got my notification that I will have to wait until Monday for my results.


Grrrrrrrr.  I'm not even going to believe that I will find out on Monday.  These guys are just dicking around with times.

Boo, sorry to hear that Vik

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I want to see them, but not Marilyn Manson... Maybe I can get a discount ticket if CJ goes. *lol*


Seriously though, I'm sorry you have to wait until Monday. Hope you have a nice weekend at least. :)


1. Add it to your Netflix queue if possible.


2. Malifaux has no equivalent of that amount of bat-shit crazy.


Seriously, everytime we're playing, we've got something like this on in the background. If anything it's just funny noise filter. :P

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So, we may need someone at the office ASAP. Any takers? :D


If I were close, my first questions would be "doing what?" and "how much?" I've been burned repeatedly by being loyal to a company- I'm very much an Outcast in attitude towards my work life now. Tell me what the job is and what I'll get in exchange, and I will tell you if I am capable of doing it and whether or not I like the terms.

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On a side note, I always find my second cup of coffee of the day to be more enjoyable than the first. It contradicts the theory of diminishing returns, but maybe it's because I think I'm more concerned with chugging the first one, rather than enjoying it. :P


It's definitely that. I find that diminishing returns kicks in on the third cup.

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If I have to show up at the ass crack of dawn, so do you :P


And by ass crack of dawn I mean 8 am


WHOOOO!!! I can sleep in!!! (8am is nothing(


Is it all law or just the kind(s) you're involved in?


Law firms are terrible places to work in.

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Morning, gents.


Oh here! Here! Just tell me how I get there. :D


You want to move to New York?


Seriously you're not missing anything. I'm like one or two whatsapp messages away from being single and fucking tired of the bullshit women keep pulling in my life.

A few very good Rancid Transplants and now just the Expunge and I'm fucking done.


You guys are all right though, relationships with many girls suck.  Its why I'm not a lesbian.


I will give you an example:

You take the Vikkies, add Pandora and Sonnia with a hint of Perdita and that's about what we're looking at with mine.

That is an utter destruction with a shit tonne of mind games with a fuck load of collateral damage.


I'm really sorry to hear it, z. This is still the one who lives with her ex, yes? What does she do that you find so damaging? I gather she's not just clingy.

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