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Nice! How're the beaches in Germany? I always imagined that anywhere where there's good recreational life outside of the US, that it's significantly better.  Only place I've been to in the US where the beaches are nice was in Maui, but that hardly counts.


Actually not very spectacular. It's a lake, not the sea.


Oh? What'd I miss?


That Finnish people never say "I love you" despite there being a translation of it.


Well I'm gonna start painting now. Hopefully I'll get this batch of Lucius done today so I can start on the next ones. Was supposed to see my girlfriend today but I just fucking bailed and went to play Pulp City, Gym and now paint Lucius. 



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Another joke:


A German businessman has enough of his life and emigrates to the woods of Canada. After not seeing a soul for three months, he hears a knock on the door of his cabin. At the door, a giant, red-haired lumberjack says:


"Hey, I'm Barney, your neighbor from 30 miles east. I wanted to invite you to my birthday party."

"I'll gladly attend", says the banker.

"I should warn you", says Barney, "There'll be some heavy drinking."

"Nothing I haven't seen before; I can cope", says the banker.

"Also", says Barney, "there might be some sex involved later."

"Well, I've had wild parties, I can cope", says the banker.

"Sure?" says Barney, "Even if there might be some brawls later in the night?"

"No problem", says the banker, "I've seen worse. By the way, what would an appropriate attire be, Barney?"

"Don't care", says Barney, "it'll be just the two of us anyway."

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Another joke:


A German businessman has enough of his life and emigrates to the woods of Canada. After not seeing a soul for three months, he hears a knock on the door of his cabin. At the door, a giant, red-haired lumberjack says:


"Hey, I'm Barney, your neighbor from 30 miles east. I wanted to invite you to my birthday party."

"I'll gladly attend", says the banker.

"I should warn you", says Barney, "There'll be some heavy drinking."

"Nothing I haven't seen before; I can cope", says the banker.

"Also", says Barney, "there might be some sex involved later."

"Well, I've had wild parties, I can cope", says the banker.

"Sure?" says Barney, "Even if there might be some brawls later in the night?"

"No problem", says the banker, "I've seen worse. By the way, what would an appropriate attire be, Barney?"

"Don't care", says Barney, "it'll be just the two of us anyway."



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Last night was awful until I took that Benadryl. Finally got a good night's sleep. Now I just have to shake off the ol' Benadryl hangover.


I'm going to schedule a doctor's appointment today. Need to know if I'm crazy, have something physically wrong, or both. Future specialist appointments will depend on the initial results.


Jam of the day:

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Last night was awful until I took that Benadryl. Finally got a good night's sleep. Now I just have to shake off the ol' Benadryl hangover.


I'm going to schedule a doctor's appointment today. Need to know if I'm crazy, have something physically wrong, or both. Future specialist appointments will depend on the initial results.


Don't know which possibility is worse. Wish you the best.


Well screw it been searching for Dutch jokes for hours and this is all i got


What's the difference between a roadkill dog and a roadkill Dutch?

There are skidmarks in front of the dog.

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Blargh.  I just called my surgeon's office, and no one is in currently to let me know if my pathology report is here.  I don't want to have to wait another weekend!  They are trying to find someone to call me back, but even then... will the report be there?


I just want to know!  I want to know what my future is going to be like!  This is such an extremely big deal to me!!!

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Oh I will, anything you want me to declare before I drink it?

Only my genius! :P


Well I'm gonna start painting now. Hopefully I'll get this batch of Lucius done today so I can start on the next ones. Was supposed to see my girlfriend today but I just fucking bailed and went to play Pulp City, Gym and now paint Lucius. 

Sounds a lot like my night, only minus the ditching of the girlfriend due to lack of one. :P


I'm off for said beach party. Have a nice evening, everyone.

Have fun, Drial!


Blargh.  I just called my surgeon's office, and no one is in currently to let me know if my pathology report is here.  I don't want to have to wait another weekend!  They are trying to find someone to call me back, but even then... will the report be there?


I just want to know!  I want to know what my future is going to be like!  This is such an extremely big deal to me!!!

Sorry you need to wait on that, Vic... Hope you get the good news back soon!

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Blargh.  I just called my surgeon's office, and no one is in currently to let me know if my pathology report is here.  I don't want to have to wait another weekend!  They are trying to find someone to call me back, but even then... will the report be there?


I just want to know!  I want to know what my future is going to be like!  This is such an extremely big deal to me!!!


The only thing worse than having a medical concern is having a medical concern and not knowing what it is. Hopefully you will hear back from them very soon.


I think a big part of my problem psychologically is that this is the first time in a long time I've had neither a major goal to shoot for nor a catastrophe to resolve. Things are fine, if a bit dull, and they have been for a few years now. I don't know if I've ever had to deal with being humdrum before...kinda crazy, isn't it?

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You go on plenty of dates - it's just unfortunate they all have husbands or boyfriends, and only ever want to just talk :P

Seriously you're not missing anything. I'm like one or two whatsapp messages away from being single and fucking tired of the bullshit women keep pulling in my life.

A few very good Rancid Transplants and now just the Expunge and I'm fucking done.

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I know I'm not missing anything. Otherwise people would be pestering me telling me I am missing things :)


Last time I tried to be in a relationship, I had to put up with clingy and needy. And this was before I had this job, so I even made sure there was free time for her every weekend. Needless to say, I am a lot more selfish with my free time, and a lot happier for it. 


Despite my seemingly endless rage...


I'm dealing with needy right now, but it's not a game-breaker....yet. At least if I need to play video games or work on a project for a while and not be bothered, she's okay with it (especially if she is up for reading n the couch).


Just got my notification that I will have to wait until Monday for my results.


Grrrrrrrr.  I'm not even going to believe that I will find out on Monday.  These guys are just dicking around with times.


How obnoxious. I hope they actually keep to their word this time. If not, give them hell come Monday with a clear conscience.

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Heh, I have bi woman acquaintances that have basically said "I'm attracted to girls too, but I don't date them because bitches be crazy, yo."


A friend of mine saw the Pumpkins/Manson tour in Cali- said it was a great show.


Fun fact- Billy Corgan is now one of the top brass at TNA Wrestling.

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Mine was:

Me: "So what do you feel like doing?"

Her: "I don't know"

Me: "So if I said stay home, order food, watch Netflix until you fall asleep on me and we wake up all cute in the morning, you're fine with that?"

Her: "I guess"

Next afternoon

Her: "We should really do more stuff together..."

Oh you think that's bad? Man I can give a you a few phone numbers if you want bad. Clingy, needy, utterly insane.. :P

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