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Maybe she thought he said "Trista"?  I can't fathom anyone thinking Tristan was a girl's name.


Also Tristan und Isolde is my favorite opera.

If she hadn't tried repeating his name back to me, I would agree. It went something like:


"You said your child's name was Tristan, right?"


*pause* "Ok, we'll see you then."



And I haven't seen the opera yet! Definitely need to do that now. :D

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I will admit I haven't seen any operas. Alas :(

They tend to grow on you. I was fortunate enough to be able to go on group trips, where the ticket was more affordable for a college student.


So far, I've seen "Madame Butterfly", "The Mikado", "Porgy and Bess", and "Marriage of Figaro". It's been forever since I've been to the opera, but musicals I tend to see more often, since they're a bit more upbeat and cheaper.

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Depends if it is community theatre or a bigger production.

Also time of year, in my experience. It also might just be my impression, but people attend the opera tend to be "better-off" people in general. Granted I hadn't seen one since college, so I'm a bit out of touch with the cost of opera tickets now, but I could imagine the same seat at an opera house being more expensive than a similar seat at musical (On Broadway, anyway).

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I have a friend who just produced a broadway show, I thought that was pretty cool :)

A friend of mine played in the Broadway production of "Lion King" for a number of years. During his last year there, I went to see him perform, and after the show, he was able to show me around backstage, and explain how the "Disney Magic" happens during the show. Quite a fun experience!

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The heroin story is from Black Crusade. Benshin walks into a bar I described as a den of vice and ill repute. This was when he first started being "bad" in the game. Goes up to the bartender, starts smiling, and asks if he could buy "one heroin, please" - his reasoning was to appear like he belonged. 


I responded with, "Just the one heroin?"


It has been a running joke for a couple years now.

"Is this where the criminals and/or bad guys hang out, because I too, am a criminal and/or bad guy." :D


*Rolls to Deceive*

*Opposed roll fails*


And just like that, I was in. ;)

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Well, tonight has been decided. Stay home, paint things. Expendables 3 is now on Netflix, so there's that. And Archer. And ordering sausage and garlic bread from the pizza place on the way home to go with the rest of my leftover rotini.


Adult life is good.


Sometimes it can be, yeah. Usually it's those days where I make a conscious decision to not do anything but be useless and drink beer.

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Morning everyone.


Wie gehts es dir?


Almost correct: The s in gehts is short for es, so it's in your sentence twice. One or the other.


Gut, danke. Und selbst?


Well done!


I'm good. My wife is at home again, my counselling for day has been cancelled, and I'm invited to a beach party tonight.

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