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Probably not the first, if that is what you are thinking!


Actually that was always my plan for my Raven Guard.  Do shrikes 3rd company, then the 1st company, then the 10th company.


Sadly, money and time have conspired against me so just concentrated on the 3rd!

Was hoping it was the 4th Company

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Who is famous in the 4th company?  That dude in the books I can never remember his name..Ventris?


And it sucks when there are other Marine players around lol..I was hoping to fleece this poor sucker, I mean, generous soul, all by myself!  :)

Uriel Ventris yes

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Which three companies?

I have the first 2 companies built and painted, and about half of the 10th company, with a lot of additional odds and ends.


Who is famous in the 4th company?  That dude in the books I can never remember his name..Ventris?


Yes, it would be Ventris, from the novels. They're pretty good reads, if you haven't read them yet. Graham McNeil wrote the entire Ultramarine series around Ventris, starting with how he became Captain.


Truthfully speaking, I was hoping to get rid of the Eldar and possibly the Grey Knights that I haven't even touched yet. If either of those armies pique anyone's interest, by all means, please let me know.

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I have the first 2 companies built and painted, and about half of the 10th company, with a lot of additional odds and ends.


Yes, it would be Ventris, from the novels. They're pretty good reads, if you haven't read them yet. Graham McNeil wrote the entire Ultramarine series around Ventris, starting with how he became Captain.


Truthfully speaking, I was hoping to get rid of the Eldar and possibly the Grey Knights that I haven't even touched yet. If either of those armies pique anyone's interest, by all means, please let me know.

They are indeed, I have always been interested in picking up Ultramarines as I know that i'll be hated for it lol. Plus the new formation makes the Ultramarines quiet powerful without the need to pick up special characters

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They are indeed, I have always been interested in picking up Ultramarines as I know that i'll be hated for it lol. Plus the new formation makes the Ultramarines quiet powerful without the need to pick up special characters

I've only heard about the formations in passing. Still haven't picked up their most recent codex yet either (tells you how disconnected I've become with the game at this point), but from what people tell me, it's very similar to the formations used in Apocalypse style games.  I heard of one formation where if you take 4 specific squads of a certain type, they get to have free dedicated transports. And that's just plain cheesey...

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I've only heard about the formations in passing. Still haven't picked up their most recent codex yet either (tells you how disconnected I've become with the game at this point), but from what people tell me, it's very similar to the formations used in Apocalypse style games.  I heard of one formation where if you take 4 specific squads of a certain type, they get to have free dedicated transports. And that's just plain cheesey...

yeah that's the Gladius Strike Force, if you take two Demi Companies you only have to pay for the upgrades to the transports, plus can use the Ultramarines Chapter Tactics twice each

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A friend and I tried to make our own narrative campaign with our own set of rules back in 5th edition. Wasn't perfect, but it was fun for the few months we tried it. Came up with a whole system for gaining XP and gaining stat bumps and special rules and what not.


It'd be fun to try something like that again, but with the constant changes as of late, it's harder to adapt it.

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Someone actually did their own skirmish level rules for 40k a few years back and I used to have the pdf.  they were actually quite good and enjoyable, but I can't for the life of me remember who they were or where I found them!

lol, I'm sure a lot of you are seeing a bit of irony in this...


For the record, I'm 99% sure this wasn't my set of rules... Never got around to converting it to PDF. :P

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