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Personality tests you take on Facebook are utter lies... stop following click-bait :P

lol, this was actually given to me by the psychologist I retained when I was going through my divorce. Truthfully speaking, my results did intrigue me, since the doctor said he hadn't seen a range of results like mine in over 10 years.


Suffice to say, I'm quite the anomaly. ;)

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lol, this was actually given to me by the psychologist I retained when I was going through my divorce. Truthfully speaking, my results did intrigue me, since the doctor said he hadn't seen a range of results like mine in over 10 years.


Suffice to say, I'm quite the anomaly. ;)


Don't trust any sort of test results from while you are going through a divorce!  People aren't stable then!


I know mine shook me up, anyway.  Until I realized it was the best thing EVER!

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Don't trust any sort of test results from while you are going through a divorce!  People aren't stable then!


I know mine shook me up, anyway.  Until I realized it was the best thing EVER!

I completely 100% agree. The doctor did explain that there were ways of telling if a test taker was trying "beat or cheat" the test though.


Evidently, unless you're Charles Manson himself (or someone equally as intelligent), there's very little chance of that happening. If anything, it did enlighten me to a few things, and helped put things into perspective.

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Dr. Dirial is the only medical expert I need. 


I'm in no way or form a medical expert.


Hmm, you might be right. But then I was anixious before shit did hit the fan, or so to speak :|


But hey, at least I found out there is enough work in my field, seeing that Recruitment Centers cannot stop spamming my inbox :P


Should we exchange our issues, then?

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Yeah, that's something I've always sort of been curious about.


How is saying someone has a "personality disorder" anything but a very technical way of saying they're a jerk, or a loner, or manipulative, etc, etc (depending on disorder: anti social, schizoid, borderline, etc). How do you define someone's personality as a disorder and even if you do how do you treat it?


It's just that. There are some technical differences, and some of those are actually relevant for the treatment (Borderline Personality, for example), but this is exactly my issue with that diagnosis. It's mostly historically rooted. I mean, in the DSM, they are listed in a way that you can co-diagnose them with the "real" disorders, because they have no influence at all on those....


I completely 100% agree. The doctor did explain that there were ways of telling if a test taker was trying "beat or cheat" the test though.


Evidently, unless you're Charles Manson himself (or someone equally as intelligent), there's very little chance of that happening. If anything, it did enlighten me to a few things, and helped put things into perspective.


Those test are usually constructed that way, yes. Test construction was is the most intensively taught subject in psychology, and my actual field of work.

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One of the main reasons I don't get involved in new games anymore. The last one besides Malifaux was Dark Age, and I have another story about that game:


Hoj (one of the guys with a model named after him) and the rest of my friends were complaining about how the game was becoming unbalanced, and everything that was broken was TOO broken. The game design team shrugged it off. So Hoj told them he was going to be in the tournament, and bring the most broken list just to prove they were right. They said whatever...


So he went undefeated, and practically tabled everyone. Gets to the final round, tells the younger player across the table what his list is, what it does, and that the kid cannot win. Offers the kid a coin toss to see who wins the final round. Kid accepts, coin is tossed, kid wins the flip. Hoj walked away from the game. 


Boss Mode achieved.


I'm not worried about Kings of War. They have a Rules Committee that is very good at finding broken things (it includes several top tournament players, including the guy that consistently wins the big tournaments in the UK). We tested 2nd Edition pretty heavily and nitpicked about a lot of little things that other companies would've ignored.

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I'm not worried about Kings of War. They have a Rules Committee that is very good at finding broken things (it includes several top tournament players, including the guy that consistently wins the big tournaments in the UK). We tested 2nd Edition pretty heavily and nitpicked about a lot of little things that other companies would've ignored.


For some reason that makes me more afraid.

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Interesting. So there is quite some validity to it the results then. Glad that I'm getting this insight from someone I didn't have on retainer. ;)


Actually, reliability and validity have to be stated when they report the results.


He's more of a tv personality, than an actual doctor. Like if Oprah had a PhD, that'd be the kind of doctor she'd be.


He talks a lot of shit with a southern American accent. Hides his televised bullying under the guise of quaint "where I come from" expressions. Oprah Winfrey "discovered" him years ago. He's a douche. 


Sounds like a dick. Although I have no idea who this Oprah person is. I seem to recall hearing the name somewhere.

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Some kind of talkshow host. That is all I know.


Yeah, I kind of remember. I don't get the fascination with talk shows either.


Oprah Winfrey is the richest, most powerful woman in America. Because she is her own brand name and controls a global media empire.


Not kidding about the empire part. She's probably listening to our conversations right now. 


That seems strange for a talk show host. Ours are mostly laughed about, unless they are comedians.

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Yeah, I kind of remember. I don't get the fascination with talk shows either.



That seems strange for a talk show host. Ours are mostly laughed about, unless they are comedians.


Because upper class, pretentious "stay-at-home" mothers need someone who they can "relate" to, is probably the best explanation I can make to justify Oprah's continued relevance.


Talk shows are fine, in general, IMHO. It's just the crowd that they individually cater to that turn me away from some of them.


I also find it hilariously ironic that comedians are taken more seriously than non-comics. At least we have John Stewart and Steven Colbert. :D

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I also find it hilariously ironic that comedians are taken more seriously than non-comics. At least we have John Stewart and Steven Colbert. :D


I adore those two. Louis CK as well. I would send you some of ours if you'd understand them.


Check the Wikipedia link I added to that post. She's worth billions. 


Yeah, I'm doing that. But I think it's still strange.

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