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No, don't think I will be. Would be distinctly unwise at the moment with how my finances are probably gonna go the next few weeks, lol. So, holding off. When I get some money they'll be waiting, and the regular prices aren't too bad, honestly.

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I still can't believe all the uproar about Colette!


Being controversial I feel its more a case of fanboy cheesecake than actually berating the new model.  I am sure a lot of people wanted a scantily dressed burlesque performer along the lines of the first incarnation, which is fine for a showpiece model...


But I get the feeling Colette would more likely be going out smuggling etc in the clothes she is pictured in in V2 rather than flouncing through the sewers in her skimpies!


And I cant remember but has it actually ever been mentioned that The Star is a burlesque bar?


I thought it was a showhouse for the performers with maybe some seedy extras on the sly?


In which case for the Victorian era, the clothes Colette and the performers are wearing are probably more accurate.  It is technically the Wild west, not Paris!

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Doing pretty good, all told. Played some Warmachine today, taught a couple newbies in a 1v1v1 free for all. Kaelyssa almost pulled off a double assassination... was two pips shy on the arcantrik bolt to get the damn Slayer to go away. :P


Finally starting to figure Kaelyssa out, and the bits that clicked together hint that she might end up as one of my favorite casters once I start applying stuff I've learned.


Work is going okay, though. Sorry to hear about yours :/


How was your weekend?

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Ninjabread men? Got a recipe for that, cause that sounds awesome, lol.


What'd you paint?


Oh, I didn't end up ordering halberdiers, but I ordered a handful of solos just for Kaelyssa... >.> Damn sales and me switching to another caster, lol.

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