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@Edonil: I'm not a big Batman/comic fan, but I really enjoyed it (and the models are great). So it was more of a demo game (Batman vs Joker and a few ******), so I haven't had a chance to learn the rules properly. Activation is a little like Bolt Action, except it's one dice per turn (two per side in my game of four turns, despite it being four against one), and while you might have one against many, you can choose when you activate. The core mechanic is you get a number of dice equal to willpower, which at the start of the turn you allocate to stats. So atman has a Wp of 8, so I would place them on either movement, attack, defence or special, then when I activate I can spend them. I was able to batclaw my way to the top of a building, before swooping down and knocking a ***** out. Overall the mechanics are really nice, and compact (e.g. Batman's Defence is 5, which is both what the opponent must roll to hit, and how many dice he can allocate to it, whereas the opponents attack is both their limit and what I would have to beat if I roll my defence dice, even if they rolled a 6). Rules are a free download, as are stat cards. I might pick up Bane :-)

Found out most of my club's DZC players play UCM, with only one PHR, so I might pick up PHR. That way we can play larger, co-op games. But I'll wait to see if the game grabs me first.

Edit: I forgot that word was taboo ;-)

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Huh, sounds pretty interesting. Might have to see if there's youtube videos explaining it, I remember looking over the rules when it first came out and being confused as heck. Too bad the minis are so expensive to get over here, I'd never be able to get anyone else into it. Oh well, lol.

PHR! Love that faction. The mechs are awesome, and luckily their new releases are helping with how slow they are, especially the Jetskimmers and the always entertaining Apollos. I got my beta-paint scheme for them done, should probably find the camera and take a picture at some point.

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