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Off Topic Playground

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Yeah...no interest in Vampire. Maybe, maybe Werewolf, but I doubt even that, lol. But the idea of being a hunter is an interesting one for a short campaign. Only War is the other new one that I'd be a player in that I'm looking over. Wrote up a Death Korps Stormtrooper (Grenadier). 01/425, aka Advisor. Last of his unit, personality quirks keep him from being ideal to train future Death Korps members, so he gets used as a liaison officer to other regiments. Lets me play Death Korps no matter what the rest of the group picks for a regiment.

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oh, nice. Hey, do you happen to know any good generic scifi systems? I just realized that it might be fun to run a short campaign through the setting I've been developing, but it would need something fairly adaptable or incredibly generic for me to work on.

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