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I know that feeling. What time is it there, Shaper?

Currently it's 10pm on Wednesday night...

But staying up playing hearthstone after working on some figures for one of the Isle of Faux guys as he was my miniature exchange victim...

he wanted some gremlins so I bought a Somer Box and Mozzie from Element games so he got it and have been taken care painting 2 extra figures for him...

I have painted this chap for me because I like the figure tho


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~Carted in on a stretcher by various Gothic Showgirls, deposited in my comfy chair and hooked up to life support~

Yeah, still sick, but not as bad as the girls make it out to be. I am slowly getting better. Things have slowed down due to illness, but I have still managed to assemble some of my Deadzone stuff and paint a Dreadball team for myself (Void Sirens coz they're girls and play unfair, heh) along with another Deathwing squad (bringing the total to 57 painted Deathwing to date!).

Shaper, that mini looks well nice mate!

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I do love the Taxidermist. That model may more than any other get me to buy Gremlins other than the Brewmaster to run as 10T.

I know what you mean... I've picked up a couple figures that I like but haven't committed to anything apart from a 10T Brewmaster.

~Carted in on a stretcher by various Gothic Showgirls, deposited in my comfy chair and hooked up to life support~

Yeah, still sick, but not as bad as the girls make it out to be. I am slowly getting better. Things have slowed down due to illness, but I have still managed to assemble some of my Deadzone stuff and paint a Dreadball team for myself (Void Sirens coz they're girls and play unfair, heh) along with another Deathwing squad (bringing the total to 57 painted Deathwing to date!).

Shaper, that mini looks well nice mate!

Thanks... If you ever want more Deathwing I've been thinking of letting mine go since I won't be going back to GW in the near future

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