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Yeah. Rowing machines look like a good idea until you're on them. Still trying to get myself to a point where exercising next to the rowing team doesn't make me look about as athletic as comic book guy, but I reckon that's a fair way off!

Oh well, I've signed up for the gym for the year, so I'm off every weekday from now on. No rest for the wicked...

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New catalyst and filters for the glove box, electropolished steel for experiments, cell culture media for other experiments, a peptide i'm doing work on to return from someone else's lab, a protocol from a lab back in England and probably some other bits I can't remember offhand.

So just a short list, lol

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~Sneaks up on everyone with my Girls and we all shout "BOO!" very loud~

MUAHAHAHAHA!!! That woke y'all up :P

Things are as always, watching tv, watching movies, painting minis and occasionally playing some Xbox. However, I have hit 514 minis painted this year, that's more than I normally paint in a decade. Sad thing though, no matter how many minis I paint the pile never seems to shrink :(

I will leave you now with a couple of pics of minis I have painted ;)





Also, be warned, there's a Hawllowe'en pic of me coming, be VERY afraid as the Gothic Showgirls approve ;) MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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Mako me old mate! The Pumpkin Golem is from Reaper Miniatures Pumpkin Horrors range, here's a link...


I use those models as my Dreamer Crew (they even have a witch sitting on a pumpkin, heh). The Fairy is Hasslefree Miniature's Fairies Wear Boots, it's also 40mm scale and was a bueaty to paint, but a word of warning if you get it, be careful of the casting on the right arm. I base coated mine to find some flaws in the surface meaning I had to remove the paint there, file, retouch with green stuff and repaint it again.

Shine, I do try that strategy with hiding the unpainted horde(s), but I still hear them moaning in their boxes. I swear I'll get to them some day... well, eventually... Who knows, I may even get my Orks painted, it's only taken me about a decade to paint all of my current Grey Knights army (which now only uses the current ranges of models unless it's Apocalypse where the old RT era terminators and land raiders come out to play)... Of courses, there are also all of those Bones minis and the Relic Knights stuff will be arriving at some point in the near(ish) future. At least I have most of my Malifaux stuff painted, just 10 more models to go there, I may have to take some pics when the light allows and start a thread in Minis Showcase at some points, Gods knows I painted enough this year.

I am hoping to get the Bones Cthulhu painted up soon along with 1 of the dragons I got with it to use as Hell Drakes on my Chaos Marine army.

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Things are about the same as always, strangely I've spent most of the last few months playing Borderlands 2 with Regnak when I've not been painting stuff or watching stuff (normally while painting stuff, lol). Now I've worked out the macro feature on my phone I'll be taking more pics of minis when the light is there, just that it's almost always pitch black these days (dull days and trees outside blocking a lot of light) and daylight bulbs seem to tint my minis yellow when I used them to take pics, lol.

Of course, the Gothic Showgirls also keep me busy by supplying me wit ha constant barrage of ales. Also cut down a lot of smoking, I didn't quit though, that'd be foolish since I like taking a break from painting for a ciggy to rest my hands, but I did cut back by about 75% of what I did smoke a day. Gods bless those that invented the electronic ciggy... It was Cthulhu, wasn't it? Heck, Cthulhu gets the credit regardless (the Girls have their own little cult now and worship the Bones Cthulhu, bless their stripy socks).

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