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Been a while. Damned filters at work block the board, and I try to keep my social media time to a minimum when I'm not at work.

Played in a big Hordes of the Things tournament- it was actually coordinated with a similar event in the UK- they got 1st overall, but our top player had the most points killed. I was tied for penultimate :facepalm: but fortunately these guys are a lot of fun to play against. I even managed to have my army mostly painted first!

Can't complain about anything but how badly I played- the participation prize was a pick from some of the organizer's extra minis, so I got a few units' worth of 15mm lizardmen *da.bomb*

Protips for anyone who wants to try Hordes of the Things (it can be played in 28mm too):

1) Have someone demo the game- it's much easier to follow that way. The rules are very tight, but the rulebook's writing is not (as I've groused about plenty before).

2) Dragons (and ye pagan gods) are for funsies, not for tournaments.

3) Heroes need to be ganged up on- people who take 3 Heroes in a tournament (the maximum) are big meanies :-P

4) Litko's DBA template has a 40mm measurement on it but it's hard to use. Better to take a 40mm square base, put something on it (I've seen everything from a handle to a My Little Pony-themed pegasus with space princess rider), and use that to determine zones of control and so on.

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So... Up at 0500... Out the door at 0600, at the facility at 0655, and pulling a helicopter to the pad upon arrival (didn't even get signed in!) and that was the only thing to do the entire day, according to WO3 kincheloe. I'm here until 1600. *headdesk*

---------- Post added at 07:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 AM ----------

"Easy" money I guess... Except that I am not good at sitting around doing nothing....

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Nice. Yeah, I got Lady J started...sadly, I lost the binder I had all my paint recipes in. :'( So now I have to re-engineer the color scheme from scratch. I think I might just finish the Rail Crew, I've just got the Emberling and a Rail Worker left, and use them for my demo crew in the meantime...

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Yeah, I'll have to do that. Luckily I found the recipe for the coat, so I won't have to remake that. Sadly, that still leaves a lot else to figure out. I got her hair painted, though! But yeah, I'm probably going to finish Mei Feng and friends and use them for now, lol.

---------- Post added at 04:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 AM ----------

(Don't be surprised if I come on here later this week and announce that I'm repainting Mei Feng out of disgust and pride)

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