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Once I finish Marcus and the pirate captain I've still got some work to do on it will be onto the Talos. So any tips on how to get an effect like this:


---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

As far as I can tell it seems to be shiny bronze, dull bronze and verdigris.

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Hello peeps!

Yeah, I am really looking forward to the clean up....not. Maybe I'll just build them and clean them up as and when I paint them? Would that work, or do you have to clean them up just to put them together!?

Got my projects on the go now...


Finally get my plastic Malifaux assembled..

and continue building my Raven Guard to Company size (ready for Apocalypse games). Thankfully I am more than half way through anyway so it won't take that long to get them all!

I will hopefully be getting some more spare time soon as Lily is getting more independent and hopefully study will be finished!!

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Shaper, that looks really nice!

Well I've escaped grey Knights and Nazis (oh, and those zombies) for a while and instead turned my attention to pre-Heresy Death Guard and painted my first minis for that army, namely the Praetor minis that Forge World released and very nice models they are if I do say so myself. I also finally briefly turned my attention back to my Dark Angels 3rd company and finished that off! I now have the following painted for that army...

Entirety of the 3rd company (6 tactical squads (though I have 7 painted), 2 assault squads and 2 Devastator squads (with 15 addition heavcy weapons painted) plus all the transports), Azrael, Ezekiel, Asmodai, Belial (all 3 variants), Sammael (both variants, corvex is the FW jetbike though since I like that model more), 3 Company Masters, 2 Librarians, 3 Chaplains, 2 Command Squads (1 with chapter banner, the other has standard of devastation), 11 Deathwing Squads, 2 DW Knight squads, Deathwing Command, 3 Ravenwing Attack Squadrons, Ravenwing Command, Land Raider crusader, Land Raider Achilles, Vindicator, 2 Predator Destructors, 1 Whirlwind, 1 Whirlwind Hyperios, 1 Nephilim.

Not bad so far and I still have another Attack Squadron and 2 Deathwing squads to paint.

Anyone else think I may have gone over the top with that army?

Still, at least it's not approaching 200 terminators like my Grey Knights are... I still cannot find 120 of those terminators though, I know I have them somewhere dammit!

Next up though is to start work on my Abyssal Terror ridden by a vampire for my 28mm Warmaster army. Lots of skeleton and zombie parts, hand maiden form the coven thrown, tonnes of green stuff and a large oval base, plus some wings I got off Ebay from various models. It should be quite a beasty, heh. And I still have 20 zombies, 10 survivors and 30 Nazis on my painting tray to get done!

Oh, and the guy I painted those Grey KNights for now wanted mt to paint a dreadnought and dreadknight for him. At this rate I'll not get my own stuff done, well if I accept. I demand better payment this time, even more so if he wants me to paint a finecast Castellan Crowe as well (that will double the price of the commission for the prep work and horrid painting experience with that garbage)!

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Is there ever really a topic at hand? :-P

I used to be at a beginner level in high school, that count?

---------- Post added at 04:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 PM ----------

And why do you need someone to show you yo-yo tricks? Youtube my friend. (nods sagely) You didn't think it was only filled with painting tutorials, music videos and annoying people talking about nothing, did you? :-P

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