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Well,.. I was planning to win the lotto this weekend,...but assuming that falls through, I was thinking about hitting mako up for those mutant powers he was suppose to be making in the lab. Assuming that this plan also falls through,.. I thought I'd maybe get in a game with y'all on Saturday night. And my uncle is in town from Sweden, so might pop in over there for an hour or two. Other then that, working on my kit as usual.


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Crap, you might have missed the bit about Saturday. I have a graduation party for my brother Saturday, so we're skipping over to next week and going to be starting earlier. Sorry. :/

Because I'm curious, do you do any gaming? Or are you just a painter/hobbyist?

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I do gaming,.. (though I'm horrible at it). I never win. But then, everyone else I play against always goes for the "uber-crush-kill" list for whatever army they play. I, however, tend to play with models I like to look at. Which doesn't always provide the best synergy.

It's hard for me to get a game in though. My LGS has pretty much been taken over by card-floppers,.. and they tend to look at me like I'm inconveniencing them by taking up table space. But to be fair,.. 4 players can fit in the same table space.

But to answer your question,.. I'm a painter first, and a player second. I mostly only play to show off my work.

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I know the feeling. I started as a gamer, have moved more to painting over time. Trying to get going with more intricate builds and conversions and such, but haven't really found a project to put it into. And, I must say, you're turning out to be a great painter with an airbrush. I'll have to pick your brain when I get the compressor for mine and get on with that.

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I'm actually getting better results with the airbrush. I just can't seem to get the same gradients or fades with a brush. Somehow, no matter how thin I make the paint, or how many layers I do, it just ends up with a "step" in the paint. That smooth transition eludes me for some reason.

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My sculpting still needs a lot of work too. Though, my freehanded attempt at "The Nameless" came out better then I had hoped. (it actually came out like my picture, more or less) So I suppose I can't complain.

Not sure what I'll do if/when I actually have to sculpt faces and/or open hands though,..

---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

I suppose it would,.. but I'll have to get a much smaller needle setup. The one I have now will be too big, even on it's smallest setting.

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