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June and July releases have been announced and they're pretty. The Dead Heat campaign is getting going, and I'm working on leveraging that to ressurect the local Malifaux community. We'll see how well it goes. Also, the latest episode of Gamer's Lounge has an interview with Eric J going over this next year's releases. Ten Thunders are going to be a faction!

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Yeah, saw the official stuff. Some more nice minis to try to have the willpower to hold off buying for the moment. I'll save the podcast for once the workflow is a bit lighter. If I try listening when I'm focussing too intently on something then I never actually hear what people are saying, it just becomes background noise.

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Yeah, right now I'm holding off from getting involved in anymore projects, especially modeling ones. Working on getting back into writing with the ultimate goal of getting back to the novel, which is actually going pretty well. Also, the Iron Quill is progressing nicely, we've gotten some great entries!

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It's quarter to three, I can't sleep yet again. Still, the bonus of my parents place is the massive owl i can see in the field behind. Big beast, and noisy too! But it gives me something to watch while I'm awake...

Night 2 of 4? Damn. Tough I guess you're nearly halfway through!

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Welcome back Steam!

I'm busily assembling Chaos Hounds and Amazons for 28mm Warmaster. Not got a chance of painting them, but I might be able to get them assembled.

Sadly no Lollipop Chainsaw in the mail today (was shipping on Wednesday as "next day delivery" so where the heck is it?), but at least that won't be distracting me from assembling things. Now just need to hope I can assemble a model in less than 2 hours... started to assemble stuff yesterday and suddenly everyone decided to text, call and message me the entire day and night. My mobile phone's now dead for good as I took the battery out and the power button's broken, they got on my nerves that much... I believe that if you text a question and I answer, the topic is over, there's no point in sending another 15 to 20 texts about it (and I not overstating that either, I got 73 texts in a hour yesterday, most of those off 1 person!).

And people wonder why I hate mobile phones. Then again, some people may get replies if they type properly and not use text speak, leet or some other new language they just invented. What does "tx4yyl" mean anyway?

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Never did play Warmaster, just after my time. I saw it in the occasional WD bought while travelling but I'd stopped playing by that point.

Because my Dad is still visiting (no end in sight) my video game playing is minimal. Sticking to games like Disciples 3 where there's very little story or spoken dialogue as he interrupts constantly. But I'm catching up on my reading. Now I just need to do some painting too.

I agree with you about texts. Hell, the only time I stop using the correct grammar is if I need a couple of extra characters.

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Checked the Royal Mail tracking, Lollipop Chainsaw is still in Wrexham, nearly 48hours after it arrived there. Does it really take that long to get the mail another 40 miles to my house? Then again, if the mail goes through Wrexham you can be waiting up to a month for it. Wonderful system they got there, why they switched it from Shrewsbury for us I'll never know, that was literally next day on 90% of things in the mail even without paying extra for it!

---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

Steam, Warmaster is a great system, very balanced and good fun, plus you can play a 2000 point game on a 4x4' table. I'm playing it again tonight with my Chaos taking on another challenger (one they hope to beat this time). Neezer the Miser never backs down from a challenge ;)

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Okay, for Friday I have 72 Amazons to assemble and paint. How the hell am I gonna be able to do that?!

Which amazons? Wargames Factory? Old GW?

Unless I am going for a specific look I have to create myself I almost always use resin bases.

For Malifaux, definitely. I'd probably also do the same for other skirmish games- it's just cheaper to spend $1-1.50 a base than to take the time making them in my case.

I have barely painted (and not even finished) any Malifaux, and soon I'll have a small 15mm force and a huge lot of Kings of War thanks to Kickstarter. The upside is I may have a painting buddy to help me stay on track soon- kinda like a workout partner.

Too many awesome games, not nearly enough time. First world problems, am I right?

---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------

Oh, and the Electric Rulebook of Doom project is on hold right now. The tablet I got for it doesn't recognize anything but its tiny internal storage, so I have to return it. Think I'm going to spend a little more and get something nicer, but I may try a replacement first...

Edited by Dustcrusher
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Wargames Factory ones, is a shame it only comes with 7 bare heads though and 3 of those are male! That makes no sense at all, lol. I have some of the old 80s GW ones knocking about somewhere though, but not seen them for years. They are likely lurking around the same place as my old RT era GK Terminators that I also cannot find :(

So far I have assembled 30 Amazons so in the meantime I am using old metal Daemonettes (the first lot from the 80s and the last batch of metals) to fill in for them. Well, it is a Chaos army after all ;) heheh.

I also support the use of resin bases, they are great and very rarely need scrubbing too if you get them from somewhere like Micro Art Studios (at least, I've never had residue problems with mine).

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Wait, what? 3 male heads? How does that even work? They aren't just less pretty females?

If we ever do a Blood Bowl league here I might get a box and make them my team. I don't think there are any other amazons out there that aren't ridiculously tarted up these days, at least not the last time I looked...

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Checked the Royal Mail tracking, Lollipop Chainsaw is still in Wrexham, nearly 48hours after it arrived there. Does it really take that long to get the mail another 40 miles to my house? Then again, if the mail goes through Wrexham you can be waiting up to a month for it. Wonderful system they got there, why they switched it from Shrewsbury for us I'll never know, that was literally next day on 90% of things in the mail even without paying extra for it!

---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

Steam, Warmaster is a great system, very balanced and good fun, plus you can play a 2000 point game on a 4x4' table. I'm playing it again tonight with my Chaos taking on another challenger (one they hope to beat this time). Neezer the Miser never backs down from a challenge ;)

I got my Lollipop Chainsaw on Tuesday and am through the second stage now. It is pretty fun so far. Reminds me a lot of No More Heroes.

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Trouble? Us? Never!

Quick, hide the stuff...

How's tricks all? I've been redecorating, turns out copper paint is a sod to get off walls, and now I'm covered in dust from it so I gleam in the light! More worryingly, my stubble is turning ginger from it all.

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Tried painting Reaper Bones kobolds. The initial basecoat can't be too thin or the paint won't stick...or it could've been the additive I used.

Vacation in two more days...then probably one more painting night, maybe two before the Kings of War stuff comes in and I spend hours prepping and assembling hordes of zombies and skeletons...and there's also the 15mm Leonines (mine) and gnomes (my friend- yes, they look like garden gnomes :-P ).

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