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Morning folks!

Well, its bright, hot and sunny here in Wrexham, North Wales...so hopefully Path has some sunshine in Newtown too!

Hope the weather is great for the rest of you guys too!

Oh right.... you're from Wales, thats explains things! :P

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Hey all!

ABs, got broken cloud here in the Town of Newts, but it's still sunny for the most part. It's a nice warm Sun so so I'm happy. I swear us Welsh get our Summer at this time of year these days!

And yes, I noticed my Chompy is also afraid of my Jack Russell, but sometimes it;s the only way to keep the Nocturnal Terror (Chompy that is) in line!

Reg... I'm from Wales as well you know MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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Oh right.... you're from Wales, thats explains things! :P

what? How superior i am to you....How my lungs are not clogged with the smog of the big cities?

How I can look out of my office window and see the welsh hills basking in sunshine, with just a hint of snow on top?

I guess it does explain a lot! ;)

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lol, I was going to do something along those lines, but thought i'd be a bit more reserved, so as not to make regnak feel isolated! ;)

---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ----------

I think we scared him off....

---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------

Lunchtime! Back in a bit!

*runs off to hijack the sandwich cart*

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Reg... I'm from Wales as well you know MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I rest my case! :P

---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 PM ----------

lol, I was going to do something along those lines, but thought i'd be a bit more reserved, so as not to make regnak feel isolated! ;)

---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ----------

I think we scared him off....

---------- Post added at 12:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------

Lunchtime! Back in a bit!

*runs off to hijack the sandwich cart*

You'll never get rid of me! ;)

Oh, thanks Abs... the parcel arrived! :) I love the way you have incorporated some old take away packaging in the parcel! :) Nah, thanks alot sir. Very well packaged and I'm currently eating the heart-shaped candy you added :)

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You'll never get rid of me! ;)

Oh, thanks Abs... the parcel arrived! :) I love the way you have incorporated some old take away packaging in the parcel! :) Nah, thanks alot sir. Very well packaged and I'm currently eating the heart-shaped candy you added :)

Old takeaway packaging! I'll have you know that stuff is brand new, 10 cartons for a £1 in Poundland!

And candy? I didn't put candy in, god knows what you've eaten!!

The candy is coz he's a pervy gremlin fancier ;)

However, you're just jealous you're not a Welsh Gremlin :P

Yup, even welsh gremlins are above regnak! And I don't do Green....;)

He must be as I didn't get a candy. I did get an avatar Pandora though! #rimshot#

And I bet you love that tentacle goodness! And don't worry, Regnak didn't get candy either...he's deluded.

I didn't either when I bought off him before :(

THERE IS AND WAS NO CANDY!!!!! If there was, I'd have eaten it anyway lol!

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Game night tonight. Hoping some of the stuff I ordered will finally show up- I'm eager to start my Viktorias crew. Even though I have yet to paint anyone else, I think this stuff will push me back into modeling in earnest again.

I need to contact customer service and find out what the deal is with our LGS' distributors. Long story short if they don't have it in stock it takes weeks for them to get it (I know Colette took longer than usual from sheer demand- that's different).

It wouldn't surprise me if you guys in the UK who order through your FLGS get your stuff more quickly than we do, even though we are less than 5 hours' drive from Wyrd's HQ...

---------- Post added at 08:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 AM ----------

Now I'm imagining a Gremlin running around singing Bow Wow Wow's "I Want Candy."

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ABs, we could paint him a different colour for you, how about purple?

I do feel better about the lack of candy in my package now though XD

heh, I will categorically state...

no matter what colour you paint him, whether you give him a bath, or spray him in perfume, I will not be tempted.

He is just not my type..... he is both male and a gremlin.....and way too short!


---------- Post added at 02:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ----------

Now I'm imagining a Gremlin running around singing Bow Wow Wow's "I Want Candy."

cheers, now i have that song in my head lol! ;)

*bangs head against desk*

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Can't you take a road trip to Wyrd HQ and get them fresh off the presses as it were?

But wheres the fun in that? We wouldn't be able to moan then! ;)

2 more days till I start my vacation

A week to paint mini, build terrain and play Mass Effect 3. Also 8 days till my Birthday!

I am in a good mood.

How is everyone else?

Now in a worse mood lol....Weeks until I can take another vacation.

Never have the time to paint, build or console game...

And my birthday is 4 weeks away..

Life sucks.

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~Has the girls start to sing Bow Wow Wow's I Want Candy~

Dustcrusher, perhaps you could order direct from Wyrd? Since you're in the States it's a more viable option given the much better shipping rate than we get (also, it will be cheaper than the round trip in the car). I nearly ended up ordering Angelica from Wyrd despite the $16 shipping since I couldn't find her anywhere in the UK, luckily a friend of mine spotted one in the shop and had them reserve it for me.

I just managed to find a Witchling Handler in the UK, but sadly nothing else I'm after on the site is in stock to make up the minimum £10 order :(

ABs, admit it, if Lady J dressed as a Gremlin you'd still like her ;)

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ABs, admit it, if Lady J dressed as a Gremlin you'd still like her ;)

If Lady J dressed as hitler I'd still like her...No matter what outfit she's wearing, I'd know what was underneath!

*glances to one side*

No ma'am, I wasn't talking about you. .......*nods* Yup, the black leather...its more, elegant.

---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:01 PM ----------

lol, is this the only thread people are posting in?

*looks at main forum page*

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They must be taking a break between complaining about things being broken.

Most likely. Have you read the tier thread? that has certainly been entertaining!

I don't hold with putting things into tiers, it creates far too much hostility and grief, and is virtually impossible to do without lots and lots of data, and the removal of certain biases.

I'll play anything whether someone has a filth list or not...I may only play them once, but I'll still play them.

It worries me that there are people who are so caught up in winning that they spend their time finding the nastiest lists possible just to fuel their winning addiction.

Whatever happened to fun? I like themed lists, whether good or bad...and I'll always give it my best whatever!

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