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oooo Reg!!! Did you get your picture *covers mouth trying not to laugh*

Coffee's meh... needs a new filter...

I'm currently reading the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini (Eragon, Eldest, etc). I've read the first three books once, and really enjoyed them... and I got book 4 for Christmas... so now I'm rereading them :D

:D Yes, just seen it! :D Great picture and very me. Fell you are awesome! :)

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It was a night on the town, mistakes happen.

So there I was at about 3 in the morning looking for 1000 brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage. When suddenly I'm attacked by what I could have sworn was a lace golem (probably one of Leveticus' creations). Frills everywhere! I fought it off as best as I could but in my less than dexterous state due to beverages consumed earlier that night, I fell backwards through a door straight into the lap of a partially dressed showgirl. Being a gentleman I closed my eyes and beat a hasty retreat.

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~Hastily writes a note and sends one of the girls off with it. After a little while she comes back with another note, hands it to me and I read it~

Okay, falling through the door and landing on a lap is true, but it says here you ogled at the girls for several seconds whilst mumbling incoherently and then when you ran off again several pairs of underwear vanished with you.

It seems the voodoo doll helped remove certain things from your memory.

They do appreciate leaving the lace Golem somewhat intact though it seems to be a new hit at The Star ;)

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