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Hey everyone! Hope folks had a good holiday. How's Georgia, Fell? Avatar Rasputina and Sue came in today! :D I'm very excited to have these two finally...now just to wait on the Blessed of December and the effigies, and I'll have the stuff I was looking forward to the most from book 3.

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*draws second peacebringer and shoots sword, shattering the blade down to the hilt; holsters second pistol, pulls carrot out of first barrel*

I've got paired pistols, a good control hand an just flipped the 13:rams

Care to try again?

*Throws busted hilt at fells head,.. then dives behind Chocobo. Grabs Chocobo from behind,..*

Back!!!,... or the bird gets it!!!

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Yep, the flame on the guitar is separate. The guitar is part of the model.

Have a great week Black!

Doh! I was hoping the guitar would be separate..would make the idea i had easier to do...ah well...fine saw here i come!

Now that the holiday is over,.. I'll kick of this thread once more,.. therefore,...

*sticks a flag firmly into the thread* I claim this land,.. in the name of Spain!!!

*pulls flag out....shakes head*

*hangs Guild flag on the wall*

There are way more Guildsters than Spaniards in here... I think we can take 'em....

Yup....and now i'm back, you all shall tremble!! ;)

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