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LMAO! *bows sagely at Regnak* okay then reg-neg-peg-keg-leg-meg-seg-teg-weg-zeg-heg-jeg teach me your wise wisdom...

Ok... first you need to bend knees slightly...

Next flap your arms

lastly making clucking sounds.

If you can do all three of these things at once you will be set for any challenge that presents itself ;)

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Ok... first you need to bend knees slightly...

Next flap your arms

lastly making clucking sounds.

If you can do all three of these things at once you will be set for any challenge that presents itself ;)

*puts both arms out in front of herself*

*raises the middle finger, with other fingers curled in*

*turns hands around so the outside is facing regnak*

hows that?!

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*puts both arms out in front of herself*

*raises the middle finger, with other fingers curled in*

*turns hands around so the outside is facing regnak*

hows that?!

RUDE! :(

*Puts on smoking jacket and monocle*

Goes to show... its hard teaching peasants manners! :D

*Puffs on his pipe*

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Home again. Sonnia decapitated Raspy and her cronies, but only managed to snag a draw as I forgot to use Violation of magic to get another Witchling (to capture table quarters) and instead chard the frosty ice witch, oops! :P

I did pick up 2 more Teddies (gpt 4 now!) and a couple of Stitched Together for my Dreamer crew though at half price, so huge bonus :D:D

Bestie, my Dreamer is a HER :P

Edited by LonelyPath
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I'm considering pickup some some Space Wolf stuff again... thinking over list ideas and prices... thats the big killer.. prices! Tempted by a Wolf Terminator army.. could be interesting?

Loganwing can work and yuo can actually assemble a 1750 point lest for about £100! (Logan and 3 boxes of Wolf Guard termies), though your list will be very small and a few bad dice rolls mean it's game over for you :P

The better SW lists out there focus on Grey Hunters (whith melta, power weapon and rhino) and 3 squads of 6 Long Fangs (with 5 missile launchers and razorbacks). Then add other things to taste :P

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Honestly, I've found myself shifting away from my Guard army...I want to take my time with them, and do it one unit at a time, and I haven't been able to pull that off just yet. So, I picked up the Stormlord (wanted him to paint anyway) and, because I was ahead for NaNoWriMo, a box of Lychguard. I should be able to get a fully painted Necron army done quick, lol. Means I can get back into playing anything regularly, and take my time with my Sons of Sek.

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