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Looking at the Pokemon they keep adding I just get the feeling that they're really scraping more off the bottom of that barrel. They'll run out of bottom one of these days :P

Tell me about it...I've got Black, and the only interesting looking Pokemon that's new is the primary legendary from it. All the others are just MEH!

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Kind of difficult for us not to know when you post it in the thread lol!

Anyway, its not rum....We had...lets just say....a blockage in the guildhouse toilets and the ..errr... waste had to go somewhere...

Luckily we had all these empty rum barrels hanging around.

Enjoy your....ok, we'll call it rum.

And I don't think you'll be going Yarrrrrrrrrrr! More like Yeurggggggggh!!


This Rum tastes a bit nutty?!

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lol, by far, I love winter. Freezing things is just so...satisfying for some reason. Probably because I'm a February baby.

Nah..give me hot hot summers! The beaches the babes, the sun beating down...I love the heat!!

This Rum tastes a bit nutty?!

*almost vomits at the thought of regnak tasting the rum*

Well, if the rum is off it doesn't matter so much since it's the new supply for the Guild :P

Err no....that lot is definitely the outgoing shipment..the new shipment is coming tomorrow...dammit! given it away...

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about an hour and a half

damn spoilers! And though i haven't read anything...make him a mean sonofabitch....a love to hate character!

...I think that's about the most telegraphed thing in the whole book...I mentioned that at least a week ago that it was going to happen, lol. We'll see how this turns out then. (cracks knuckles)

BTW, Hayzel, you need to read the comments on Path's FB status from last night. Trust me, you'll laugh.

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...I think that's about the most telegraphed thing in the whole book...I mentioned that at least a week ago that it was going to happen, lol. We'll see how this turns out then. (cracks knuckles)

BTW, Hayzel, you need to read the comments on Path's FB status from last night. Trust me, you'll laugh.

:) heh i dont particularly like arnie tbh. i think hes a joke.

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