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Off Topic Playground

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...You lost me on that second part Hayzel...

And completely off the topic, can I just say how gratifying it is that whenever I introduce a character now people have to pause and wonder whether they're good or bad?

I haven't looked but i bet i now have five or six parts to catch up on later!

Looking forward to it...

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I haven't looked but i bet i now have five or six parts to catch up on later!

Looking forward to it...

hoping to have another few parts up for you today. I just found it funny that the newest character I introduced had Elril saying that he wasn't sure if Marcus was a good guy or a bad guy...

lol guys fyi i have named some of my pokemon after you lot...

Am I at least something interesting? I mean, you didn't make me a Magikarp, did you? ...Wait, no, that would eventually be badass. You made me a Rattata, didn't you!

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can i be a PSyduck?

*wanders around going Psyduck, psyduck, psyduck...grabs head in hands...PSY!!!! *


Nope your all wrong..


Fell - Growlithe (f)

Munky - Mankey (f)

Abs - Togepi (f)

Princess - Chikorita (f)

Chocobo - Hoothoot (m)

Path - Abra (m)

Edonil - Wooper (f)

Karn - Geodude (m)

Pat - Unown

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