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Aw no, sorry to hear that bestie :(

~Gives princess some hugs whilst I wear a hazmat suit to avoid spreading my germs~

I got Gastric Flu...

~Fluids explode from me all over the thread~

*Dances around singing*

I'm singing in the Goo, Just singin' in the Goo.. What a glorious feelin' etc.

Morning.. Me and Mr Daniels had an adventure last night the outcome of which is a sore head! :(

Sorry to hear you are ill Lonely... Get better soon!

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*tosses pennies at Reg's back with enough accuracy to sink one in three down his crack*

Say no to crack, man. It's bad for you ;)

*Hops about*

Ah Cold... COLD!


You are lucky I'm in a forgiving mood else you'd be sorry!

So.. I'll try the thing known as conversation... How are you today Lady? Victimized any non guild people lately? :D

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Only you :angel:

I ran my Tourney this weekend... I had Four players!!! Which is three more than I thought I was gonna have after Thursday night... 0_0

There were no NB... but all other Factions were represented... Ramos, Hoffman, McMorning, Vickies. That was the order of standings too. It was a good learning experience for my usuals.. Ramos was run by a gentleman from "away". It was an accumulation tourney, and he had 20Vp.... Hoff had 7... the Doc had 5 and vicks had 3.... *nods* I don't think Ramos lost a game... *shrugs*

I had a good time. It was nice to actually have to use the TO Ratty made, and have to work in an official capacity. The other nice thing is that we may have enticed 4 new people to come check the game out... three of whom are MTG players


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Only you :angel:

I ran my Tourney this weekend... I had Four players!!! Which is three more than I thought I was gonna have after Thursday night... 0_0

There were no NB... but all other Factions were represented... Ramos, Hoffman, McMorning, Vickies. That was the order of standings too. It was a good learning experience for my usuals.. Ramos was run by a gentleman from "away". It was an accumulation tourney, and he had 20Vp.... Hoff had 7... the Doc had 5 and vicks had 3.... *nods* I don't think Ramos lost a game... *shrugs*

I had a good time. It was nice to actually have to use the TO Ratty made, and have to work in an official capacity. The other nice thing is that we may have enticed 4 new people to come check the game out... three of whom are MTG players


As they say its always quality over quantity. Would rather have 4 people and some nice games rather than 20 Aholes. Sounds good. Was this your first Tourney? Any plans for more? Just so you know if I lived nearby I would have turned up... even though you are a scary, mean lady of the Guild! :D

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jeeze louise, you sick people stay away!!!

It snowed this weekend... parts of Maine got 20" of Snow... which is unHEARD of in October... knocked out power... strong winds... below freezing temps... last year at this time we were still sleeping with the windows open *Shakes head*

Well you can always come over and stay at the hotel de Gremlin... We use flatulence to keep warm :D

Oh.. and there seems to be a problem with your Sig.. Instead of my picture you have a Teddy? Just thought I'd let you know so you can fix it! ;)

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As they say its always quality over quantity. Would rather have 4 people and some nice games rather than 20 Aholes. Sounds good. Was this your first Tourney? Any plans for more? Just so you know if I lived nearby I would have turned up... even though you are a scary, mean lady of the Guild! :D

I am big and mean and scary... but I try to be fair at least :)

This was my second tourney, though only two people showed up to that one.... So this one was much better. :D

My next Tourney will be in January at our local Con (300-500 people, pretty tame after GenCon :D) where I expect between 8 and 14 players... I'm a little worried that I wont have enough terrain. This tourney was a good practice for January though... working out some kinks :)

Well you can always come over and stay at the hotel de Gremlin... We use flatulence to keep warm :D

Oh.. and there seems to be a problem with your Sig.. Instead of my picture you have a Teddy? Just thought I'd let you know so you can fix it! ;)

I'm all set at being at the Gremlin Hotel... Cold makes us stronger... I just wish 'Tina would stop with the unseasonable SNOW...

And my sig would only be better if I could have Alt Justice and the NE Teddy :) If you were in my Sig, Reg, it would be in the Bear's Belly ;)

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Only you :angel:

I ran my Tourney this weekend... I had Four players!!! Which is three more than I thought I was gonna have after Thursday night... 0_0

There were no NB... but all other Factions were represented... Ramos, Hoffman, McMorning, Vickies. That was the order of standings too. It was a good learning experience for my usuals.. Ramos was run by a gentleman from "away". It was an accumulation tourney, and he had 20Vp.... Hoff had 7... the Doc had 5 and vicks had 3.... *nods* I don't think Ramos lost a game... *shrugs*

I had a good time. It was nice to actually have to use the TO Ratty made, and have to work in an official capacity. The other nice thing is that we may have enticed 4 new people to come check the game out... three of whom are MTG players


Ratty's Tournament Organiser works really good!

I had 6 at my first one and as I've noticed over here there's generally only 1-2 NB players but heaps of guild players...

I'm also working with another henchman so we don't conflict tournaments in a month so we can combine our player base

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I am big and mean and scary... but I try to be fair at least :)

This was my second tourney, though only two people showed up to that one.... So this one was much better. :D

My next Tourney will be in January at our local Con (300-500 people, pretty tame after GenCon :D) where I expect between 8 and 14 players... I'm a little worried that I wont have enough terrain. This tourney was a good practice for January though... working out some kinks :)

I'm all set at being at the Gremlin Hotel... Cold makes us stronger... I just wish 'Tina would stop with the unseasonable SNOW...

And my sig would only be better if I could have Alt Justice and the NE Teddy :) If you were in my Sig, Reg, it would be in the Bear's Belly ;)

Ah but I would still be in your sig! :D Heart Breaker! :(

And you must be doing something right with Tourney... you are doubling the numbers each time! :)

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Ratty's Tournament Organiser works really good!

I had 6 at my first one and as I've noticed over here there's generally only 1-2 NB players but heaps of guild players...

I'm also working with another henchman so we don't conflict tournaments in a month so we can combine our player base

I like Ratty's TO... I just wish the list of schemes included the faction/master specific ones... or had the option to include them... I put in a "false" one several times because I wasn't sure if it would allow me to give a player 8Vp if only two were selected... Other than that it worked like a charm :)

I am one of three (hopefully four soon) Henchman in the area. One of them sold all his stuff and has pretty much stopped gaming at all (I blame his new lady friend... and the fact that I dumped him four months ago....) and the other isn't terribly active... He runs a lot of demos, but no tourneys, so it's NBD if I steal his players for a day. The fourth will be in my store, so we wont have to worry 'bout conflicting schedules...

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lol yeh i got sacked again. :(

Despite baking truckloads of cakes and dancing about and stuff?! Those big meanies! Grrrrrr! I'll send one of my horny cross-dressing piglets down to the bosses office... expect a call sometime today of him offering your job back, and a raise and a company car and his office! :D

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