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I like cake! I'll save you from the cakes Hayzel!

~Hooks myself up to a insulin drip and eats all the chocolate eclairs~

nom nom nom...

~washes them down with a few more pints~

Angels is a good song, was over played lots but i still like it :D

I'll put on Forsaken next ;)

Edited by LonelyPath
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*the Dead Rider enters the thread at full gallop, his steed - a snorting, bellowing flesh-machine - dragging a large, twisting sack of flesh behind it*

*the sack is released, bouncing and flailing end-over-end, skidding to a stop in a cloud of dust; the Dead Rider disappears, never slowing*

*the discarded cargo lurches to it's feet, waves and brushes the dirt from his knees and elbows*

Thanks for the lift, Doug!

Edited by Hatchethead
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Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Plus, never head towards the bright light. Probably just an giant moth trap anyway.

I polished off a bottle of wine myself last night while watching a disc of Lie to Me. So I'll change my whiskey and crap books night I had planned tonight to a single whiskey and some tea plus crap book. Give the liver a rest.

How's things? Any plans for the weekend?

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