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Off Topic Playground

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#FoeRender enters with a body of a woman slung over his shoulder bound around the hands and feet with rope that gives off a slight glow . drops her in the corner of the room her face revealing a beautiful soft featured face if it where not for her jaw being twice the size that should fit on her head and filled with what looks to be 4 rows of razor like teeth #

Hey all whats going on ?

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*steps into a shadow, disappears, chains and blindfold left behind; Fell's voice echos out of every shadow in the thread*

Catch me if you can...

Not again, hang on I know someone

*Calls someone on his phone, a coffin wrapped in chains lands next to him*

Are you ok in there Fell, no shadows in there, I would like to see you get out

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*steps out of coffin, stretches and yawns*

Doesn't work on my Chocobo... my Willpower's too high..

Little did you know that coffin was inside a coffin that was in another coffin, that was in another coffin, that was in another coffin, that was in another coffin, that was in another coffin and so on

You only got out of one of them :D

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~Summons Light from the old Sylvester McCoy days of Doctor Who into the thread~

Light, stop her ~points to Fell~ from traveling through the shadows.

~Light then bathes the entire thread in light since he's all God-like and stuff and eradicates all of the shadows~

I really should have done this in the first place :)

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