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*Grumbles and sits up against the Monolith* I think all this constant discussion about balance and circular arguements is starting to really wear on me. How many times can people say the same thing differently and expect others to take it.

Just.... gah... *bangs head on the Monolith*

(pats Karn on the shoulder) There, there. It's driving us all mad. Honestly, I avoid the Neverborn section of the forum like the plague anymore...

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~Instructs random Showgirl #43 (she's wearing a red corset) to offer Fell a makeover~

As for how well trained my Showgirls are, I have them very well trained. They only go after the Neverborn I tell them to, so right now there's a few Woes crying into their cereal after my girls burst in on them and turned the place upside down before threatening to cut off certain precious parts ;)

They'd never go after Lilith, Nekima or Princess, or Teddies for that matter. They like them as they sometimes gang up on Sonnia together when no one's looking heheheh :P

~Gets another pint from the Hobgoblin monolith~ Anyone else want a pint while I'm up?

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Played the last 2 Tuesday nights at a store up in Manchester Nh (name escapes me) and met a nice small group of Malifaux players. All relatively new but it's nice to see a community that hasn't become entrenched yet. They actually have quite a few guild players up there as well.. I think 4 of the players own Guild, though Neverborn is making a strong showing to. Funny enough Ressers seem to have the weakest representation up there, where as my usual store there is a good number of them.

*yawns* I can't avoid the NB section. I've gotta jump in the trenches and at least try and do what I can, it's to much in my nature. There have been a lot of very interesting points brought up and some things I've never considered before, so there has been a productive side of things. Though I think its seariously scaring off some new players and that really bothers me. I saw some new person poke his head into one of the threads and got it promptly bitten off by the anti-NB rage.

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That's the trouble with increasing popularity. You'll get more of a split between the hardcore tournament focussed win at all cost players and the relaxed playing for fun types. If you're like me then model selection is based off what I like the look of and want to paint.

I'd hate to see Malifaux head the same way as 40K in that regard, but the more people play a game the better for it overall in terms of miniatures and background produced. You just have to pick tournaments carefully and not get down by the power gamers out there.

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~Pours out a few pints and has random Showgirl #12 take one over to Pat~

I tend to bring a group with me, I forget their names so I just number them. Today I have #3, 9, 12, 14, 17, 43 and the now ~checks pulse~ late 55.

Fell, all you had to do was act like you appreciated the offer and said no. The poor girl, it was her birthday tomorrow :(

Still, she was the Red Shirt of this group, so she won't be missed, much.

As for Malifaux in my area, it's far from competitive, people tend to play it for fun and most seem to stick largely with starter boxes and the odd 1 or 2 extra models if they need to make it up to 25SS for those boxes that are a bit short in that department. I'm one of the few that will buy more models on top in case people fancy a game that's in the 30 or 35SS region.

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~#55, amazed to be alive gives Fell a big hug and slips a 'free makeover' coupon into the Guilders pockets before rushing off in case she gets shot again, She then whispers in my ear~

Fell, it seems the afterlife is filled with cream cakes according to #55. She also wants to know what you're doing on Friday night, something about Nephilim and beating them up.

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