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Its a mutant! :D

No it's not >.<

Haven't you seen Avatar

Don't ask....

Why not?

awh hes pretty, do they have a pink one?

Sorry the god of war does not come in pink

I query the viability of a monotreme/placental mammal hybrid...

Marcus would disagree


watch it , it has its mental lock on you !

Or so it thinks

lol foe what your actually looking at is a squirrel...

Did someone say squirrel girl

Flour, eggs, milk... those are my weapons of choice against evil cowfish.

I use BBQ's

Look guys i dont mind you having pets, just make sure you clean up after them... foe that includes you! *curls up on the pink throne, cuddling down*

Is to late to introduce my Sabertooth moose lion?


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~Perks up for a moment~

But, I did pick up a tiny box on Friday night that contains Nightmare Teddy :D

~collapses back into my chair~

Nice! Have fun trying to get the Kid into his arm XD Also, have fun drilling all the claw holes!

I like NE Teddy a lot though I've got an issue with his second arm being non-possable... I think that was a massive mistake that really takes a lot of wind out of the model. Sure it makes it easier to put together, but I'd so much rather have 2 arms that I can pose and fiddle with rather then one. It makes them look way to similiar when you have 2+ of them. I don't think it holds a candle to NE Lord Chompy Bits sadly.

But negativity aside, it is still a great, gruesome model and I'd much rather have it then not have it :D I'm just wondering what I should do with my extra Teddy heads.... maybe a altnerate Rogue Necromancy with Teddy Heads?

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Or you can use them as base decorations?

So far for my Dreamer crew I have 3 Daydreams (proxying some Reaper models for those) and 2 teddies (the 2nd is a tiny White Rabbit model that came with a Alice in Wonderland miniature I bought and painted a while back). Just need the Dreamer/LCB now ;)

Edited by LonelyPath
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OUCH! That's 1 expensive team, rather you than me! Then again, this is coming from a guy that shelled out £50 o na dreadnought for 40k (Contemptor one) and now wants a Relic Contemptor with cyclone missile launcher and heavy conversion beamer (That's about £55 there!) lol.

Oh, and then there are my Imperial Guard Penel Legion Squads I'm slowly buying. The cheapest squad is £70 using about 7 Hasslefree models, just that others are from more expensive companies (why can't Hasslefree make Scooby-Doo villains as well as Mystery Inc.?).

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Finally got the time to finish Gears 3 with my Fiancee. Great game. I can't believe its all over :(

Also got a little more work done on my Belle's which will be finished up for this months "Tale of Painters" thread once its put up. Also worked on my Alt. Seamus and my "Counts As" Zoraida. Not to mention painting Kirai... stripping her... repainting her... stripping her... repainting her and finally stripping her.... I need to think more about this model... really can't get the face right.. tried a few different approaches but they all looked poop.

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