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I've seen very little on that game, I don't even know what format (platform, FPS, etc) it is since every thing I've seen have just contained movie sequences :(

Finished chapter 4 of Madness Returns last night and was laughing like crazy when it came to the end of the Executioner segment, hahahaha!

Afternoon all!!!! :D:D:D

FPS/RPG/Stealth game. But the story is fantastic, sucks you right in and is... well just excellent in every way. Highly polished few to no glitches and just a lot of fun.

But Madness Returns looks interesting... just not for $60 for me.

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I pixcked up my copy of Madness Returns 2second hand in a local gaming shop for £20 so I'm happy. no code for the American McGee's Alice for free, but L already have that on PC somewhere, not sure if I ever finished the game either since it's been so long since i played it or even had it installed, lol.

I'm not much of a FPS gamer unless there are zombies involved, but if I can find a demo I'll give Deus Ex a look with that and see how I like it.

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I pixcked up my copy of Madness Returns 2second hand in a local gaming shop for £20 so I'm happy. no code for the American McGee's Alice for free, but L already have that on PC somewhere, not sure if I ever finished the game either since it's been so long since i played it or even had it installed, lol.

I'm not much of a FPS gamer unless there are zombies involved, but if I can find a demo I'll give Deus Ex a look with that and see how I like it.

Its also a stealth game, so you can play the game sorta either way. I tend to alternate, some levels I just stealth and others I murder everyone :) But if your a fan of sci-fi and augmented super soldier type things, it should be a blast.

I always hear good things about Alice but it seems sorta meh to me. Im sure it would be a blast but don't really have enough interest to try it.

But I hear you on the FPS thing, I am personally but I'm much more of an RPG player or really any game with a very good story. Heck I play the Gears of War games for the story, not the action.

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I only got the L4D games coz they had zombies in them. I enjoy the games, but about 90% of my interest would vanish if there weren't zombies in the games. I've got Dead Island on pre-order, but again it's the zombies in it that have me interested more than anything else.

Can't touch it till I finish Dead Rising 2, still not even quite half way through it. Keep picking it up, playing for a while then getting screwed by something... the game can be hell at times and after so many tries it just stops being fun :/

But I'm worried about Dead Island just being "another Zombie" game, some stuff I've heard about it makes me sceptical. So waiting for post release and more gameplay reviews and movies to be done.

I am so back logged on my games , about to start infamous 2 , I still have to play assassins creed 2 and brotherhood , finish red dead redemption , and I am about to pick up that new super soldier game .

You haven't finished Red Dead Redemption?! O.o

*Grabs you and hurls you infront of your game system and stares down at you* Finish it for the love the Wild West man!

On a serious note, that was a game I literally could not put down. I played that nearly straight through most of a weekend. The story and the characters hooked me so hard. I've been hoping for even more DLC though I admit I haven't gotten Undead Nightmare yet. Not sure why.... probably time lol.

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Hi Chocobo!

Karn, you've not finished DR2? Shame on you!!!

~Ties you to a chair with controller in your hands until you finish it~

Don't be afraid to restart, in fact I recommend doing so a few times. Play until you reach "The Source" case file and restart the game until you're around level 30. Any level lower than that and it's very hard. Also take the Freedom Bear (Robot Bear + LMG) that canbe found in Yukatan Casino (bear on top of some slots, LMG on top of center tower/slots) and sit it in the corner, then run around that area so it shoots the twins. It most likely won't kill one of them (thankfully you only need to kill 1) so have a few shotguns and speed drink (forget its name) to finish them off.

Or, if you're having fun like I sometimes do, some Defilers (Fire Axe + Sledgehammer) and use the jumping attack, it causes a fair bit of damage, but after attacking, run like hell or you're in for a few hits back.

If you feel VERY daring, go against the (very) end boss and don't bother picking up weapons or health, though he is easier if you don't bother getting any, hahahaha (I finished him off most time on full health).

If you think it's tough half way through, wait until the Gas Zombies come out to play :P

I've not played Red Dead Redemption, but I do wanna try Undead Nightmare (I am a zombie nerd through and through :D).

Right, time to go play some more Alice. See ya again everyone :D

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I know , I am loving red dead , but I like the game and the setting so much I am searching everywhere and really searching the sandbox in depth . I am doing like one or two story missions , than wonder the country side hunting and killing bandits the rest of the time ! lol

so its more if a time issue .

I also am a huge battle field fps shooter fan so when i sit down to play a game I usually play that with friends online .

I get my spurts where il take a long weekend and zip threw a few games .

As for dead island looks ok , but i am ok with it being just another zombie game .

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I know , I am loving red dead , but I like the game and the setting so much I am searching everywhere and really searching the sandbox in depth . I am doing like one or two story missions , than wonder the country side hunting and killing bandits the rest of the time ! lol

The same thing happened to me with Oblivion... Been playing the game for years and still not finished it, I keep finding other things to do instead.

Well, I was gonna go play more Alice, but I've instead been roped into keeping a ear out for the delivery of our groceries. Curses, I need to get away from my desk to since my legs are cramping up horribly right now :(

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You can in multiplayer, I think you play chaos space marines in mutliplayer as well

I don't really multiplayer on Xbox, I prefer to spend money on other things other than Live Gold ;)

A Ultra Smurf has about as much appeal to me as a 3 week old, moldy peanut butter sandwich :(

I know they do different packs, but you still have to play as a Smurf.

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I don't really multiplayer on Xbox, I prefer to spend money on other things other than Live Gold ;)

A Ultra Smurf has about as much appeal to me as a 3 week old, moldy peanut butter sandwich :(

I know they do different packs, but you still have to play as a Smurf.

Normally I would agree (I hate GW just as much as the next guy)

But, gameplay wins over my dislike of all things GW

That and I love seeing a shooting game that not cover to cover based. Cause we all know the only protection a space marine needs is the will of the emperor

Edit multiplay doesn't mean online

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Space marine is definitly a game I'm waiting for. Though I'm not sure if its out or not yet... I haven't seen it in stores which is why I ended up picking up Deus Ex: HR. But the gameplay looks amazing and I gotta say, THQ has done an amazing job in turning the 40k TTG into a fantastic set of video games. 40k for me has always been a setting and a game where the TTG just can't compete with it's theme. Only in Appocolypse battles do you really get the 40k feel and those ... well I can't stand them.

But Dawn of War took the world and went "You want 40k? Here's 40k! *Power Armored boot to the face*". Basically the world was to much for the TTG or the pen and paper games to portray, but it finds its best stride in video games I think.

So I'm really excited to see how Space Marine plays out and get to see and play a Space Marine for what they are supposed to be. Dawn of War 2 did a great job with the Campaign mode by showing you just what a hand full of space marines are capable of. Now with Space Marine you get to be a marine and visit all your Emperor imbued badassery upon everything that moves.

So I'm hoping the game turns out as good as it looks. It is a shame you can't chose your own Chapter, I'd love to stomp around as my Black Templars and Fall back towards my enemies XD. Chain Sword and Bolt Pistol shackled to your wrists, Holy scripts hanging from the armor, and the rites of battle inscribed on your Chapter Symbol... oh yeah :)

Heck even PP is trying to get in on this kinda thing with their game, which is still in development (and has been for a while). So we will see if their world can live up to the game and vice versa.

Edited by karn987
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