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sure it was a late night... and an early morning... but I like to set these things on fire... good practice... *grins, looks into Karn's eyes, and sets the nearest puppet a light*

Need to get some more sleep then, hopefully you'll sleep better tonight.

*Raises his brow slightly as she stares into his eyes, suddenly appearing right infront of her. His nose inches from hers, his eyes black as night meeting Fell's flare to red as he grins slowly. The moment draws out for several long seconds. The small pouch around her neck seeming to heat up as a glow barely escapes the top, before he suddenly is back to where he was. Looking over at the flaming Puppet he makes a motion with his hand, a Bucket of water appearing over the Puppet to put it out*


*The Puppet nods and scampers off to join the fight against Chocobozilla*

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Need to get some more sleep then, hopefully you'll sleep better tonight.

*Raises his brow slightly as she stares into his eyes, suddenly appearing right infront of her. His nose inches from hers, his eyes black as night meeting Fell's flare to red as he grins slowly. The moment draws out for several long seconds. The small pouch around her neck seeming to heat up as a glow barely escapes the top, before he suddenly is back to where he was. Looking over at the flaming Puppet he makes a motion with his hand, a Bucket of water appearing over the Puppet to put it out*


*The Puppet nods and scampers off to join the fight against Chocobozilla*

These puppets are going to be so much trouble.....

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says you..they haven't tried to nick your chair, or set fire to your feet, or put flies in your sandwich....

#swats a puppet away before it can do something very nasty to my coffee#

You just have to understand how a puppet thinks is all. Just keep your eyes open and enjoy the show. ;)

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*turns the puppet to ash*

Harsh... he just wanted to say Hi... I think.... it's hard to tell.. *scratches head*

#watches Herbie 'playing' with the puppets#

careful, some of them seem to explode...

#sees a big bang and then a soot covered Herbie#

never mind....

*Jumps slightly at the explosion*

Where the heck did they get the explosives from is what I want to know! Little devils... they'll pick up anything they find and use it for parts.

*Watches one walk by with paper for an arm and cake falling out of it's stuffing*

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*Jumps slightly at the explosion*

Where the heck did they get the explosives from is what I want to know! Little devils... they'll pick up anything they find and use it for parts.

*Watches one walk by with paper for an arm and cake falling out of it's stuffing*

Oi! Thats my paper! And I'll take the cake too......

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*wagles finger*

there, now i smell like a peacekeeper and herbie smells like me, better make him stop trying to get to his own insides!

cos thats not a pretty sight....


*pulls out chair and popcorn*

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*wagles finger*

there, now i smell like a peacekeeper and herbie smells like me, better make him stop trying to get to his own insides!

cos thats not a pretty sight....


*pulls out chair and popcorn*

Oi! Stop messing with him. He doesn't like it. And I have to pick up the pieces. I'll call him off if you get him back to normal...deal?

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