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*blinks and looks around* Who the heck just invoked a change of scenery *eyes AB* Are you really a finger wiggler?

We were playing Marco Polo, the pool just appeared. Water temperature is nice though...Wheres Fell, I reckon she'd enjoy a good swim.

AB's the zombie bear is right behind you

Can it swim, or just walk along the bottom?

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Ooh, a pool! I'm actually hoping to take a short swim atthe hotel tonight we'll see if it happens or not.

As for Hamelin, I actually had my first game against him last week two. Played Levi, an it was definitely a hard fought battle. I had Line in the Sand, and he had Supply Wagon. Dang is it hard to get a melee attack on that thing without one of his rats in range of the wagon at all times. ARGH. But I took Necrophnks and a Watcher, and 2 canine remains and just made a bee line for the objective markers, getting all 5 of them in Round 2. thN sat back and played defense. Had Levi use his spell to sacrifice targets with 2 Wds or less and make Waifs in order to wipe out rats. Still though, game ended tied 6-6 at the end of round 5 as opponent had to leave. Would have been close if we played the last round. I was down to Levi, Alyce with 1 Wd left, a Watcher, and two SPAs (never even got close to the DE lol), while he had Hamelin, a Ratcatcher and maybe 1-2 rats. I just needed to kill Hamelin so he would be not standing on one of my dynamite markers so I could re-arm it, and then I wouldve got the full 8 points. Was a REALLY tough game though.

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*Get drenched in water, looks up* Blahhh

*drags himself over to the edge of the pool and sticks his head in it. Pulls it up a long while later and rolls over*

Not even the life sustaining power of Coffee is doing much today heh.

@Lobo: Yup... Hamelin is a toughy, though tieing him like that is still really good. I always make it a point to B-line for the Rat Catchers first thing and cut the size of the swarm down. With Levy it's rather easy to kill them, its the rat's that are an issue. But A&D + Levy's Vanilla models make very short work of them once you can get them away from the models returning them. Also nothing says loving to Hamelin like A&D in his face XD

@Foe: Anchorman quote... excellent sir. I award you 50 Internets.

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OK, I actually laughed at this.

The Bear laughed? Did anyone take a photo? no? DARNITT!!! Fell will never believe us....

*Get drenched in water, looks up* Blahhh

*drags himself over to the edge of the pool and sticks his head in it. Pulls it up a long while later and rolls over*

Not even the life sustaining power of Coffee is doing much today heh.

You need to take a dip. These are revitalising waters.....I feel almost three minutes younger already.

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