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@Abs: They will all involve a move... to Southern Maine (about 80-150 miles from where I live, depending on the school..) Not to England... I don't know if I would be able to teach Literature there... I'd feel very overwhelmed.... And I'd have to start my Master's degree....... I want a Masters in British Lit and British History.

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Not to England... I don't know if I would be able to teach Literature there... I'd feel very overwhelmed.... And I'd have to start my Master's degree....... I want a Masters in British Lit and British History.

You'd be fine. I reckon you could find an opening at those little colleges we have...Oxford and Cambridge!

*biffs Karn* Sicko

I thought I was the only one to get biffed!? :(

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Arsenic... not Arcanist... It's Resser Koolaide, not Finger wiggler *gavomits at the though...*

Ohhhhh....I knew something didn't sound right. Thanks, I feel much better now.

oo, Karn, I triple dog dare you to lick Lobo :D

LOL umm...

I'd caution you though. I've been told it's like licking a 900V battery.

*holds out hand, watches Karn lick back of hand*

*karn blows back against the wall, hair sticking straight out*

Tee hee hee

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*eyes the Puppet suspiciously* I've never seen these before.....

They ran on the virgin channel over here before they left Sky. When a programme went to ads and came back it used to have the little devil doing mundane things like having a cuppa, or eating from a tin of beans.

I can't find any more pics though!!

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Ohhhhh....I knew something didn't sound right. Thanks, I feel much better now.

LOL umm...

I'd caution you though. I've been told it's like licking a 900V battery.

*holds out hand, watches Karn lick back of hand*

*karn blows back against the wall, hair sticking straight out*

Tee hee hee

*blinks and smacks lips slowly*

Tastes like.... burning.... with a hint of Annice.... Yup... Arcanists take like Annice!

*Stands up and brushes himself off before hopping back up onto Fell's shoulder and leaning against her head.*

That was a shocking discovery to say the least... this has been enlightning.... the charged situation has been diffused though. :D

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*blinks and smacks lips slowly*

Tastes like.... burning.... with a hint of Annice.... Yup... Arcanists take like Annice!

*Stands up and brushes himself off before hopping back up onto Fell's shoulder and leaning against her head.*

That was a shocking discovery to say the least... this has been enlightning.... the charged situation has been diffused though. :D


Permission to Biff him M'lady?

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Walks into thread eating egg sandwich , chewing on way to much at one time ...

Hey all !

@ab by the way its 345A not b * slams down huge tomb and points to an open page *

@cho he is not lying that rule was put in place when creatures like kade and candy started showing up .

@fell good luck with those apps

@karn high five homie

@lobo any progress on that crew ?

All this said with a mouth full of egg sandwich , wipes crumbs from shirt .

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@ Karn: I wouldn't have biffed you for that one. I got a jolt out of it.

@ Foe: Yep, a little bit of progress. Not as much as I'd hoped though. Been spending time playing games and doing other stuff around the house lately. Maybe this weekend get a bit more done. I did get my Canine Remains mostly painted last night. He turned out pretty awesome.

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@Lobo: Ah! I see we are on the same wave length in this case. I think all those puns may have short circuited a few people though ;)

@Foe: *high fives* Oh yeah ;) *snaps*

Oh I got my second Desolation Engine!

And hacked it into bits lol. I'm working on rebuilding it from parts of just about any model I can find that fits the look. I'm thinking of trying to putty up a face to be like the thing at the end of Akira. Have little faces in it with arms and what not sticking out...

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Oh I got my second Desolation Engine!

And hacked it into bits lol. I'm working on rebuilding it from parts of just about any model I can find that fits the look. I'm thinking of trying to putty up a face to be like the thing at the end of Akira. Have little faces in it with arms and what not sticking out...

hmmm...idea sounds cool, we want pics when its done and painted!

I'm off now, so see you all tomorrow!

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hmmm...idea sounds cool, we want pics when its done and painted!

I'm off now, so see you all tomorrow!

Sure will when I'm done =)

*Waves* Have a good day man!

Photocopies: DONE... but I almost kicked the copier *mutters something that sounds like "piece of crap"*

In other news: There is a bird sitting just outside my window making pretty music... :)

Yay Progress!

Booo crappy machine! Though in their defense they are a complex if antiquate piece of machinery >.>

What kind of bird is it?

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