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#sees painting on wall with two large blast marks where the eyes used to be#

Hmmmm, Foe and his cherry bombs again. Still, at least it gets rid of some of this semtex.

#pours coffee, sits in chair and waits for signs of life#

Oh by the way, for any that are remotely interested, I have an ending planned for my Black stories now, and even a rough story arc from now until the end, that should hopefully tie up a few loose ends. It will (as planned at the moment) run to 6 books in total. So 2 more after the current one finishes....

Amazing what inspiration comes to you when you are sitting watching Greys Anatomy on the TV!

And no KArn, before you ask, it isn't all just a coma victims imagination.......or is it? ;)

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*Wonders in with his Oj and looks around*

Morning Ab, Morning Fell.

How are you all?

@AB: Huzzah for inspiration!

@AB: Mmmm Beastie Boys, I really like there stuff. My Favorite is still Intergalatic though =)

@Fell: Ohhh... now that is interesting to listen after waking up... I kinda like it. Good background music hmmmm

*looks over at the Pie Monolith*

It's nearly complete! Only a few more hours now and it shall be ready!

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Ooh A pie before I go home maybe?

Morning KArn!

Morning Fell!

Anything interesting going on?

Mmmm hope so. Should be done soon. *eyes it*

Neh not a whole lot going on. Had Malifaux league last night and then board gaming tonight. *sips Oj*

Any way, off to work!

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!

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Mmmm hope so. Should be done soon. *eyes it*

Neh not a whole lot going on. Had Malifaux league last night and then board gaming tonight. *sips Oj*

Any way, off to work!

Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!

Cool. It would be nice to have the time to play Malifaux :(

I have literally forgotten how to play now.......

See ya in a bit!

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nah... I stomped 'em pretty good last night... lost 'Dita and her brothers, but Justice finsihed the job. :)

*jumps on Fell's shoulder and curls around her neck, handing her a Coffee*

Here ya go Fell =)

Congrats on the win! Dita will be missed, but atleast we still have Justice! =D

Ab you want one to? *holds up a coffee*

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*jumps on Fell's shoulder and curls around her neck, handing her a Coffee*

Here ya go Fell =)

Congrats on the win! Dita will be missed, but atleast we still have Justice! =D

Ab you want one to? *holds up a coffee*

#looks at Neph questioningly#

Whats this 'we' business? Justice is mine!!

Oh Coffee? ok.......

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#looks at Neph questioningly#

Whats this 'we' business? Justice is mine!!

Oh Coffee? ok.......

Ok, you can have Justice... I'll stick with Fell ;)

*Tosses you a cup of coffee that some how doesn't spill anything in mid air*

Mmmmm corn muffin

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Ok, you can have Justice... I'll stick with Fell ;)

*Tosses you a cup of coffee that some how doesn't spill anything in mid air*

Mmmmm corn muffin

I don't think you have much choice! ;)

#catches cup with imaginary hands and begins to drink#

mmmm nice coffee, has a certain flavour to it? what is it?

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I don't think you have much choice! ;)

#catches cup with imaginary hands and begins to drink#

mmmm nice coffee, has a certain flavour to it? what is it?

Hayzelnut mixed with Pineapple and a bit of a Dark Roast added in. It's oddly good... *sips more*


sorry a bit distraced

*waves back*

No problem =)

Oh and...

:firedevil:firedevilHAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th!:firedevil:firedevil

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Meh, superstitious nonsense. What can possibly go wrong?

#turns and walks into a monolith, falling over in the process#


Heh I don't mind Friday the 13th, I like all the superstition around it. It is also a good day to mess with your friends ;)

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