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Woot 4000 posts ! As a reward and sketch being in an awesome mood I say random sneak peak , and by random I mean guild hounds...

Sips coffee looking over cup with shifty eyes

A) I agree with Foe :angel:

See, once your app is finished being processed, you may get to see those Guild Hounds... ;)

I know I like 'em!

Also, If you get approved, you could work enough shifts at Gen Con to get a badge to the show... Then all you gotta worry about is travel and lodgings... Just putting that out there. ;)

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I've really only read the complete series that are post Eppisode 6 for SW, some of the earlier books I had dabbled in and I LOVE the Yuhzan Vong arc. I really need to get Outbound Fight and read that to draw some of the last connections. But FoTJ is really interesting, I need to get through this book... I screwed up at one point and got the wrong one (missed a book in between) so I need to go back and read teh one before it and then that one again.

I wasn't that interested in the pre-Episode 6 ones at first either (first taste with Zahn's books, and then moved forward in the timeline as things were published). But now that I have read a few of the other ones here and there, there are some that I really dig:

Republic Commando series (still probably my favorite of all SW books)

Outbound Flight (very good tie-in, especially if you liked the Zahn novels)

Allegiance (again, another great Zahn novel)

Cestus Deception


Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy (this one actually bounces between pre- and post- OT, talking about Boba after he escaped from the Sarlacc....pretty cool)

Death Troopers (absolutely awesome)

Isn't Levy Fantastic? =D Object is still a PITA for him but otherwise, its hard to stand up to him unless you have Counter Spell, even then you can just hammer away with it.

Hmm...haven't faced any Mannequins yet, though I don't think I'd be too concerned with them in a Levi crew. Counterspell was a concern last night against Ramos, but I just waited till the end of the round, and had Alyce Headshot Ramos first. :vb_tongue:

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ok i've made my appearances so i'm going to log off for today, and get my energy back for next week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

#wanders back under duvet, closely followed by tea monolith#

you can actually take this back now ta KArn.... ;)

... I don't know if I can... it was trained to follow sick people after I made it for Fell... I think it likes you. *eyes it as it wiggles happily*

Any way, see ya AB! Get better man!

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erm... less than 6'...? we're all in one big room... there are usually.. 4-20 of them... and the new set comes out... tonight at midnight, so they weren't even playing last night... they were just talking about the new cards *rolls eyes*

plus, one of the local news stations is doing a piece on the rise of table top gaming in the area... I don't talk to the news... I don't like to have my picture taken, let alone be filmed... so I was really on edge last night... They really wanted to film me too (I was the only girl in the store)...

Blah I hate when people kibitz about a different game around you while you try to play. A little curtousy please :/

Ahhh yeah that must have been fun trying to dodge the camera's and what not >< Hopefully they won't be back again when you around =)

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I wasn't that interested in the pre-Episode 6 ones at first either (first taste with Zahn's books, and then moved forward in the timeline as things were published). But now that I have read a few of the other ones here and there, there are some that I really dig:

Republic Commando series (still probably my favorite of all SW books)

Outbound Flight (very good tie-in, especially if you liked the Zahn novels)

Allegiance (again, another great Zahn novel)

Cestus Deception


Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy (this one actually bounces between pre- and post- OT, talking about Boba after he escaped from the Sarlacc....pretty cool)

Death Troopers (absolutely awesome)

Hmm Ill add some of these to my list. Between you and Fell my list of books to read is getting huge XD

One of my favorite sets of books was during the Legacy of the Force when you get a TON of info on Bobba Fett and Jiana going to train with him. That was awesome, that whole series was epic!

Hmm...haven't faced any Mannequins yet, though I don't think I'd be too concerned with them in a Levi crew. Counterspell was a concern last night against Ramos, but I just waited till the end of the round, and had Alyce Headshot Ramos first. :vb_tongue:

lol good idea. I've started taking Ryle a little to often with Levy I think, keep leaving Alyce out for him. Think Ill throw her in again next time I use him.

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Hmm Ill add some of these to my list. Between you and Fell my list of books to read is getting huge XD

Heh, my list of books got so huge at one point, I just stopped keeping a list. There's lots of things over the years that have fallen off the end of the list, unfortunately. Like, I read the first 4-5 books of the Wheel of Time series, and really enjoyed them, but I'll often bounce between series, or typically, I would pick up something like WOT simply because the next SW book I wanted to read wasn't out yet, haha. So, sometimes it would end up being a year or more between reading some of those books. Over time, I've found that I forget too much and have to go back and re-read things, and it gets annoying. Especially since I have less time to read now than I did when I was younger. Though I suppose if I played less Malifaux, I could read more........nah!

lol good idea. I've started taking Ryle a little to often with Levy I think, keep leaving Alyce out for him. Think Ill throw her in again next time I use him.

Haven't had a chance to try Ryle with Levi yet. I like the idea, but at 25 SS, the box set is pretty tough to argue against. At least by my experience last night. Fast moving SPAs to get objectives. Good ranged or melee attacks if necessary. Resilience with both Alyce and Levi summoning more SPAs as necessary. Plus, Burn Out on the Desolation Engine in a pinch....yes please. :)

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Heh, my list of books got so huge at one point, I just stopped keeping a list. There's lots of things over the years that have fallen off the end of the list, unfortunately. Like, I read the first 4-5 books of the Wheel of Time series, and really enjoyed them, but I'll often bounce between series, or typically, I would pick up something like WOT simply because the next SW book I wanted to read wasn't out yet, haha. So, sometimes it would end up being a year or more between reading some of those books. Over time, I've found that I forget too much and have to go back and re-read things, and it gets annoying. Especially since I have less time to read now than I did when I was younger. Though I suppose if I played less Malifaux, I could read more........nah!

Haven't had a chance to try Ryle with Levi yet. I like the idea, but at 25 SS, the box set is pretty tough to argue against. At least by my experience last night. Fast moving SPAs to get objectives. Good ranged or melee attacks if necessary. Resilience with both Alyce and Levi summoning more SPAs as necessary. Plus, Burn Out on the Desolation Engine in a pinch....yes please. :)

Mmm amen to that. I guess I started taking Ryle because I ended up against more swarms. And I liked his increased damage output. Though him and Alyce together are a very potent mix with Levy on top... a ton of fire power and Burn Out on Ryle for overkill XD

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my lunch was blah... *sigh* Oh swell.

And I think that officially makes us compuer geeks.... Which is saying something, 'cause I'm really not that tech saavy... hmmmmm

Eh oh well, food is food atleast *nods and ruffles your hair*

Enjoy your inner comp geekiness! Release it! =D

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Mmmm ice cold green tea for the win !

Iam so looking foward to lunch I have homemade cheese ravioli !

Pondering what to paint over the weekend my guild guard and ausinger , or show girls so I can put in my application already

Wow... that sounds REALLY good man....

Hmmm paint hte show girls! You know you want to =D

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Yeah I do , but been wanting to paint all of the guild first . Also been going back and forth betwwen show girls or a daemons of malifaux themed crew as my second crew ( also the crew I use for demos with my guild )

Mmm probably guild then, get all of one done then it looks better on the table.

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