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Forum Awards?

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Too true... :\

I just get excited when I type... then I hit send... and then I read it and say to myself.... "That reads WAY not how I wanted it to" :(

I'll try for more smiles... promise :D

I actually think your posts are fine, and I said well worded not wordy. Beside there are only two ahead of you in the princess race, Hayzel and Rathnard.
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Wait, I thought that was you. LOL

Well our Henchman prides himself on cheesy masters like them. (He plays both along with LCB.) Maybe he can enlighten us. Then again he gets mad when I give away LCB tricks he likes to pull.

Karn will get best Tactica with Sandwich in a close second. Ratty will get Wyrd's best help/fan based materials. And the Princess will of course get the Biggest Sweetie award.

These awards are no brainers to me.

Well if you show up on sat i'll show you my favorite Levi Crew :P.... and there is nothing cheesey about it, who do you think i am ratty?

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Well if you show up on sat i'll show you my favorite Levi Crew :P.... and there is nothing especially cheesey about it other then it involving Leveticus himself, who do you think i am ratty?

There ya go...fixed it for ya. I know that was actually what you meant to say it must have gotten lost somewhere around the keyboard *grins*

And Genetic...if you put your mind to it,you could probably come up with a way to make a Marcus list ridiculously cheesy too.

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