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Looking for feedback on Rotten Belles


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This is my first real miniature army (other than the two or three stray Space Marines I've painted with the boyfriend..) These four ladies are my first round and I am looking for some feedback/ideas for the remaining two Belles, Sybelle and Seamus.

I apologize for the resolution here, I had to rely on the phone because the camera was dead.








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I agree with the comments above. The dresses look really nice. the skin could use a little wash or glaze to give it depth.

VERY nice first go. Much better than my first batches. The never did find my beakie marines under the mounds of black spray paint..

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These four ladies are my first round and I am looking for some feedback/ideas for the remaining two Belles, Sybelle and Seamus.

It sounds like you are somewhat new to painting. It looks like the models are fully painted (no exposed metal) and you have a good variety of colors that you are using which makes each one look unique. From here you should do whatever will make you happy with the models. :)

The only suggestion I have is to think about doing something with the bases. Think of your base like the picture frame of a painting. Most people don't buy art and tape it to their wall, but add a frame to complement their artwork.

There is a lot you can do with the bases. Do you want them to be standing on a cobblestone road or a brick road in Malifaux (using green stuff, base inserts, or resin bases)? With accessories like grass flocking, a headstone, a skull and a shovel you can create your own graveyard base. I've also seen the Malifaux Victorian accessories used like the lamp posts used with cobblestone inserts.

Some people like a nice black boarder around their base while others like a color that goes with the base.

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*nods* I would also agree with the comment about the bases. Thats been a real weakness for my guys that thankfully the resin inserts can help with lol. But there are alot of options out there and can really help both tie a gang together,and make them look that much more awesome.

P.S. I recommend the victorian streets for the belles. They need to be out there earning their keep,undead or not.

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