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The Keeper and Yazza present: Roanoke Harbor.


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If I can reply in Yazza's name: no, we're not. We are from Belgium. Because everybody knows that's where the really crazy people live.

We? Crrrrrazy?

Is it not perfectly normal to pay taxes for a non existing government?

Is it not perfectly normal to have 3 languages and tonns of accents we cant understand in a country this small?

Is it not perfectly normal we have a king we pay that does squat?

Is it not perfectly normal our chocolate is the best in the world but we cant grow cacoa?

If these things are not normal well spank my ass and call me Belgian!

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Hey all, its about time i started saying somthing here i think. First of maybe a bit of explanation about yazza's picture. the dark places will become water and the lighter peaces well be eluvated doks.

maybe this helps to explain it a bit.



We are still not 100% sure about what all the buildings are going to be but atm we are thinking about a lighthouse, an inn with crane building, a candy factory and some other random buildings.

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  • 1 month later...

Ow you basterd, stealing my post. running away with all the glory again are you.

The reall reason i havent been building for a while is becouse i have been to deprest with the fact that Yazza got a puppet avatar and i havn't.

I have fallen a sleep crying for about a month till i finaly got the strengt to get back behind my desk and build something.

Btw, what Yazza is showing is what will be the Inn (the building in red). there will be more details added in a later stage. the idee behind the crane is that they needed place for a crane to unload the boats. but sins there wasn't any room on the doks they just put it on a roof top.

and no i wasn't watching blair witch project....


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Holy crap, it's bad enough that those building look so great at the construction level but when you know that there going to be awesomely painted as well, I can't wait to see the finished product but just as happy to follow as it goes! Is there a completion date goal? A con or anything? ( like u need any pressure)

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The goal is to have it finnished by crisis 2011 wich is somewhere in november. But to be honnest I don't know if we will make it in time. I have just bought my own place so spare time is going to be scarce. And I just won't have enough time to yell at Yazza and tell him that he isn't working hard enough.


And thanks for the nice words. the stuff you see now if still not finished do, we will be adding some more details like window shutters and the like. But first i have to find some inspiration for the other buildings. We still have a whole corner of the bourd where we have no ideas for yet. We had an other friend who wanted to help but she is beeing lazy.


All the stress.........

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  • 1 month later...
HA! im a GENIUS!

Yes you are princess

I call your shenanigans and raise you, one proof.


First draft of a quay


been a while, muzes had departed us for a bit, but here's an update





Nice Work, I'm looking forwards to the final version

If I can reply in Yazza's name: no, we're not. We are from Belgium. Because everybody knows that's where the really crazy people live.

I think i should move there then :D

Is it not perfectly normal we have a king we pay that does squat?

No of cause not, now if it was a queen...

Is it not perfectly normal our chocolate is the best in the world but we cant grow cacoa?

I don't know can you send some over to me and I'll taste it :D

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