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Does this look like a swarm of insects to you?


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I'm trying to fancy up my usual basing technique for Hamelin by adding what I'm hoping looks like a swarm of insects. It looks a bit gloopy but I suppose black goo works as well.

It doesn't work so well on this test base as there's no model for them to interact with but on the actual models I've gouged out holes in the wooden planks for the 'swarm' to spill out of, was planning on having them going up hamelin's legs/over his shoes a bit as well as swarming through Nix/stolen's feet and around the rats.

But the real question is, do you guys think this looks like what I intend? I'm not sure myself.....



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No this was a test base, still waiting for Hammy's g/s hood to dry. I'll probably base him before I paint him anyway, 'tis my way. I'll maybe stick something else on in the mean time.

Yeah, it does look like blood eh? Hmmmm. I was advised to get some 'microbeads' but then I'd have to wait for my order to arrive and I'm impatient! This is just painted flock with some water-effects over the top.

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Sorry, it doesn't look like insects. Mind you it's an excellent base, but it looks like blood or oil.

I would agree that it looks a bit more like Oil then an insect swarm. Getting the look of a swarm of insects is going to be difficult to pull off in the proper scale.

On a brighter note it does also look a bit like bile which may be just as good for the diseased Hamelin and his doggy.

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White maggots is a good suggestion. Gross, but good.

I think the problem with insects at this scale is that the tiny dots that could be insects could also be a lot of other things. Part of what gives an insect swarm its distinct appearance is the way it moves, which obviously gives you problems. Maggots. Get some white Sculpy and you won't even need to paint them - just a Gryphonne Sepia wash would do.

EDIT: I think the rice is the right size, but lacks segments and needs to be bendy. Segmented, bendy rice - try asking for that at Asda ;)

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Id probably use green stuff personally. but thats just me.. Im going to try a few things later on tonight.. i have a few ideas about using static grass and bits of sand for an insect swarm.. static grass being small might look like the legs of insects when painted and then put some sand pebbles on top along with some green stuff centipedes...

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Sholto- kinda think he can avoid the sculpey and gryphonne sepia altogether just using the Brown Rice posted above. All he'd really have to do is add a few thin lines of GW Devlan Mudd (possibly Badab Black) and call it done. Course he wont be able to mimic the writhing insect movement you mention with just the rice.

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Well I got to work on Hammy over the weekend, he himself isn't quite finished yet, need to highlight his staff, smooth out his coat and add some more OSL to his hood (glowing green eyes). Think I'll need to brighten up the model a bit too so his socks will be getting a makeover as well. This is how the base is just now though, again could use some brightening up. It's not exactly how I envisioned but I got impatient and I still think it looks suitably minging (Scottish for disgusting).


And a view of the back, you can just about make out all the maggots swarming up from the crack in the boards.


Edited by DangerousBeans
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