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First meetings usually warrant introductions

My name is John and i live in Hertfordshire, England. At the moment I'm a member of the guild, but I'm not feeling so good about it since reading the fluff (which happens to be cool cats). I could slither out without getting noticed and quietly escape (exiting stuff).

I'm a convert from other games systems (they know who they are) and I found malifaux so imaginative and swish I just had to trade some money for a taste (and it was beautiful):lollypop:

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AHA! i see you found my lollypops! I wonder where i had left them! :) I'd forget my head if it wasnt stitched on by Zoraida bless her! :) Well if your not feeling the guild (and who could blame you, they arent very nice) then why not join the Neverborn! We are the most fun you could ever ask for, Why just the other day, dear dreamer was just wanting a new friend to play with! Why not start with him? Or if you was after someone who liked to play with her hands a bit more, then Lilith is the one! She is swell! :D

Oh dear ive gone on far too long, must dash! But welcome, WELCOME! to Malifaux. :D

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Ill be at Salute in April and Ill defo pick up some models (secret/mystery models)

Come say hi at the SMG stand - we'll be there doing demos and chatting about Malifaux.

As this year's show has a Wild West theme we're planning a suitably themed 8x4' board to play out our fantasies.

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