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Kirai Thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's Jack and the Hanged. Colored to match the entire crew.


As a surprise, I was able to get Kirai herself done and here she is. It was quite the job free-handing 50+ little flowers and I was terrified to splatter it with some blood after, but it all worked out and I'm happy with it.


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#whistles appreciatively#

Man, those are some sweet models, the amount of detailing on Kirai alone is mindboggling! You must have the patience of a saint!

I love the fact everything is tied in together through the choice of palette, like an army in WH for example. This works a lot better in Malifaux, in my opinion, due to the smaller mini count.

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Thanks for all your kind words.

I love your freehand work on the robes! What do the various Kanji symbols mean?

I can't wait to pick up some Malifaux figs this weekend :)

I found a big list (I think intended for tattoos) they all mean something, I can't remember specifically but I chose things that were suitable like... shadow of death, madness, chaos, vengeance, etc.

Some of the models also have the Mohns, and I have no idea what families they match up with. I just picked ones I thought I could miniaturize.

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I decided to go with some fire, since it is an angry element - I thought it was fitting, and it would still match the rest of the crew. I decided to go with a more realistic fire instead of a stylized one.


Just waiting to receive Lost Love, then I'll be done.

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Thanks Zombie. I wish I could point you to something or drop some Pearls of Wisdom on you, but I have none. Just tried harder on this last crew.

Normally I just go 3-4 layers of highlighting, this time I used twice as many. I also normally just use close colors - like blue will go (GW) Regal Blue, Enchanted Blue, Ice Blue, Space Wolf Grey. This time I did the Regal and Enchanted, but then I used several shades of Enchanted Blue mixed with White. Finally, I highlighted all the way to White this time but I normally don't do that either (I don't care for it personally, but I thought it would increase the 'spirity' feel).

There was also quite a bit of free-hand work on these models which really makes a difference. Almost all of the work I have shown lately has been commission work and most clients are happy with my standard table-top level (3-4 layers / no free-hand) and don't go for the extra level of work (and price).

Competition. *Without trying to sound too arrogant* - I'm the best painter in my area, I see some nice stuff but I rarely see things that are a challenge to my skills and that makes me lazy. However, come on the Wyrd forums and that quickly changes - just between Eric J, brushmistress, Sigur and Ratty (and many others), I was pretty quickly humbled. Knowing I was following pretty closely on the tail of Ratty's Kirai crew, I felt that I really had to push myself this time so I wouldn't feel too inadequet. So I guess I should say thanks Ratty!

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After seeing Dgraz and some of the others's work,I am almost afraid of posting mine.

Don't be that way. Throwing them out there and illiciting comments is a good way to see where you need to improve. No one started out as great. Everyone started the same way.

Ya i plan on posting my recent commisions when i finally get them done. They are some Infiniti combined army and they are by far my best work. THanks for the reply graz, keep on painting!

Can't wait to see. The funny thing is that you might get to see these in person - then you'll see what others have mentioned about my sketchy photography. The client is in the Boston area.

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Don't be that way. Throwing them out there and illiciting comments is a good way to see where you need to improve. No one started out as great. Everyone started the same way.

Can't wait to see. The funny thing is that you might get to see these in person - then you'll see what others have mentioned about my sketchy photography. The client is in the Boston area.

Well,finally put them up. As one of the two major inspirations for a lot of my painting I would love to hear what you think about them.

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