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Kaane's Table Concept WIP

Kaane Feinwong

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I wasn't really sure how this was going to pan out at first. A lot of what I've done has been on the fly or getting ideas from the awesome tables from the web. I know it's not going to be the best but I would still like to share on how it's going and get some opinions.

The Design:

I wanted to have the sewers actually be "under" the city and yet still be on the table. So the concept was in layers. But, no one wants to be lifting the table up and so forth, and plus deployment, goals, schemes and what not need a section of the grid, so I thought I would let it occupy a corner in itself. Also important is that I wanted it to be somewhat modular so I could use it for other things. Here is what I came up with:

Note that a lot is still unpainted.

The main landscape will be and old west town by a corner of the bog with a large sewer pipe leading down.


The walkways in the sewer will be replaced with tracks where I'll put some mining carts that will be hauling soulstones to the sub. The sub will be fashioned after the HL Hunley but with some "Malifaux" thrown in. The hardest part on this will be to make it look like an underground tunnel. I've got some ideas from some webshots of sewerboat rides in London. This design is to leave the sides open so it's easy to move mini's around and see what's going on. I also wanted this modular so it can be used for many different things.


Another shot above the table.


A Steampowered water/oil derrick. This was more a result of not really sure where to go. I grew up in the country and derricks were everywhere so I thought I would make one for my town. there is also a steam-powered cart.


Gallows. Needs some base work but it came out better than I expected. That was my first wire/putty tree.


Graveyard. Dark and evil. I wanted something that would be obviously Neverborn. It's old, rusted and put together with rocks, glue, caulk, and leftovers from an old 40k Chaos Land Raider. Also small and modular.


Closeup of the sewer entrance. There is a pipe (See pictures below) that will lead into this. My wife says we have to make Mario sounds when using it.


Here is the pipe entrance. This is going to sit over the sewers in the upper left.


Still have a long way to go, but it's a fun journey.

Edited by Kaane Feinwong
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