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Hey all,

So I tagged along with the boyfriend (who is an Warmachine player) to TempleCon this weekend, and while I was waiting for him to finish a 100 point game, I wandered over to watch a guy demoing a game of Malifaux. I asked if I could watch, and he told me I could play if I wanted to.

So I took control of So'mer, a couple goblins, and some pigs, set up to fight Rasputina and her ice monsters...and fell in love.

I promptly bought my own crew (Lady J) and sweet-talked the boyfriend into assembling them (I know that's probably cheating, but I figure I'll be more likely to play with a good looking crew, and he's infinitely more experienced at this assembling and painting thing than I am).

Just wanted to pop on here and say hello, and that I'll probably be a frequent visitor in the next couple weeks, asking questions and seeking advice. From what I've seen, you all seem to be pretty helpful, so I'm looking forward to getting into gaming!

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Welcome! great to hear the game caught your attention at Templecon :)

Spend all the time you'd like here in the forums, that's what they're here for, and we always have room for more. (Nearly) Everyone here is friendly and a ton of help, on everything from understanding the rule, learning strategies/tactices with your crew, to painting/modeling the minis. Glad to have you here!

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I'm in NYC, and I see that the Strat is running a tourney this weekend, but I'm definitely not up for any kind of competitive playing at this point, since I've played a total of one demo game :)

Maybe I could go peek in on a couple games or try see if there's some kind of non-competitive aspect to the gathering?

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Hey Er1k,

Yeah, I picked up Lady J because I'm a melee gal, and her crew seems to be one of the more straight-forward options for beginners.

The only store I know of that will definitely carry Malifaux miniatures is The Compleat Strategist. If you're coming for touristy reasons, this place is really easy to get too, since it's close to the Empire State building. They do keep sort of strange hours, so be sure to google them and make sure they're going to be open when you plan to swing by. Thursday is usually best, 'cause they're open late.

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