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My Silent One


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Just finished the Silent One model for my Rasputina crew. I love the model and the stats for the model so I'm thinking I'll dust off my Rasputina crew soon to give it a go. Unfortunately when I was putting this model on it's base the arm fell off and I had to re-attach it so the joint where the arm attaches is kind of messed up. I did this one in about a day (on and off) since I loved the model I just kept on painting.



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For the cloak I based it with Reaper muddy soil, then dry brushed it up with lighter shades of brown up to an ivory color. For the hair I think I based it with a dark tan and then highlighted up a couple of shades of lighter brown. I used all Reaper paints except for a few GW washes in a few spots.

I usually don't do a lot of dry brushing, but the texture on the cloak lends itself to dry brushing.

For snow I just use baking soda. I use PVA glue and then apply the baking soda, wait for it to dry then use a spray sealer to keep if from flaking off.Then apply a second and third coat as necessary to build up the depth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Earlier in the thread he says he used regular old PVA glue and Baking Soda then Sealer (built up in a few layers for depth). It can look very good but have read a bit about some side effects to this method down the road. A good tutorial on snow effects can be found Here, it will show you a few different methods and a side by side comparison of each (I personally use the Woodland Scenics Products he suggests on my snowy models).

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