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Downtown Malifaux WIP


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(Turn 1)

Each of the rotting pooches was able to fetch a corpse for their master.


You know that the dogs don't *generate* corpse counters, but instead can just 'teleport' existing ones back to the master, right? No corpse on the field, nothing for them to move. (This was misread by some people and eratta'd to make sure it was done correctly a while back.)

Aside from that, boffo, and good to see Pandora out there, doing her thing. I can never get her to work around here anymore. Darn melee, always messin' up my spells!

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(Turn 1)

Each of the rotting pooches was able to fetch a corpse for their master.


You know that the dogs don't *generate* corpse counters, but instead can just 'teleport' existing ones back to the master, right? No corpse on the field, nothing for them to move. (This was misread by some people and eratta'd to make sure it was done correctly a while back.)

Yeah, I spotted that mistake afterward (I put a comment lower down the thread).

I was using the "scavenger" ruling from the first book whereby any model with scavenger could take an (all) action to generate a counter. After the game, as I was trying to figure out why Sebastian's ability to generate body parts was a spell with casting cost, I came across the errata.

Now I realise why McMourning has a tendency to butcher his own dogs for parts these days!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't rescale. Its not realistic - but then this is a game where a gun only shoots 8", but you can hit someone with a hammer from 3" away!

It is a little small, but not to the point where it looks out of place. I think the scale would only be an issue if you tried to combine it with other stuff that was a different scale. Because its all from the same company it looks consistent, which is more important than realism IMHO.

With the larger buildings you probably can't scale it up too much without blowing the printable area on your printer (unless you have an A3 printer or something) - and scale up too much and it will make things look washed out.

There are enough pics on http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxvon_d/tags/malifaux/ that you should be able to get a good idea of the scale in relation to the figs

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