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Is there a Map over Malifaux ?


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I was think if there was a map over Malifaux, not the world but over Malifaux city.

I think it could be cool just to have a map over the city and be able to see how the city is divided between factions and maybe crews.

Do you have a map Wyrd you wanna share with us?

Edited by Tumling
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I think a map of Malifaux city would be cool, but I wouldn't think you could divide it up by factions or Masters like you would with sovereign nations. The factions just don't work that way.

At best, you'd have locations of note that may or may not be associated with various individuals. For instance there'd be the Friekorps HQ somewhere in the quarantine zone, and downtown (?) Malifaux would include locations like the Guild Morgue (McMourning), the Star Theatre (Collette), the Guild Offices (Sonnia/Lady Justice) and the Governers Mansion (Lucius)

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At best, you'd have locations of note that may or may not be associated with various individuals. For instance there'd be the Friekorps HQ somewhere in the quarantine zone, and downtown (?) Malifaux would include locations like the Guild Morgue (McMourning), the Star Theatre (Collette), the Guild Offices (Sonnia/Lady Justice) and the Governers Mansion (Lucius)

That was what i was thinking but lacked the words to describe it propperly :)

And like Cats Laughing, something like that.

I really hope Wyrd will give us a map more or else like that please :)

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A map would be great, but I don't think there is one, even 'behind the scenes'. When I did my stories I put in a few street names (and a bridge) that made the final cut, but they pretty much exist in isolation.

A map like the fold-out one of Ankh-Morpork - now that would be brilliant :)

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Think: Inception. Then add a naughty little boy, fast asleep & dreaming.


Bad Dreams!

Malifaux changes as The Dreamer changes it. Reality is but a passing illusion, and what may be mapped today will be completely irrelevant by tonight.

As the t-shirt of truth says:



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Don't forget Nico's tower


I think there is a map, albeit a mediocre one, near the back of one of the books...I don't have any with me at the moment though but I am pretty sure there was one. Our Henchman made a copy of it and spruced it up for us and we had a pretty sweet campaign with it.

Think Dynasty Warriors: Empires meets Malifaux.

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Don't forget Nico's tower


I think there is a map, albeit a mediocre one, near the back of one of the books...I don't have any with me at the moment though but I am pretty sure there was one. Our Henchman made a copy of it and spruced it up for us and we had a pretty sweet campaign with it.

Think Dynasty Warriors: Empires meets Malifaux.

At the end of book 1 and it's bad, doesn't show a lot and it's not scale :(

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I've been craving a more detailed map for Malifaux, and because of this have been going through all official text and taking appropriate notes so I can draw one. Ideally I hope to detail some parts in similar fashion to the Atlas of Middle-Earth (a book like that for Malifaux would be totally awesome....I'd buy it!).

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i've been craving a more detailed map for malifaux, and because of this have been going through all official text and taking appropriate notes so i can draw one. Ideally i hope to detail some parts in similar fashion to the atlas of middle-earth (a book like that for malifaux would be totally awesome....i'd buy it!).


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