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Coryphee/Arachnid Swarm (Base Joiners)


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Someone did a beautiful set of Coriphree with a plank flooring. The models were attached to some of the planking which was then magnetised and then the 3 bases had planking with gaps for the planking attached to the models, so when in place it just looked like a normal floor.

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I'm the guy with the spiders. I used barrels and pieces of gothic architecture from Warhammer 40K sprue, pots and sandbags from a campground blister I think from Reaper Minis. But, I bought it so long ago. I put rare earth magnets from forcefieldmagnets.com . I then attached the spiders and pinned their bodies to the item. Then I bought the wrecked warjack base inserts from Warmachine for my swarmed version and stuck magnets at random points that looked good for the junk pieces to be on. So it looks like a junk pile that the swarm is crawling over. I drilled the magnet holes just deep enough for the magnets to sit flush. If you need more info, let me know. I'm doing the same concept for the copyphees using the plank method above. But, I prefer magnets to pins.

Here's pics of what I did. Sorry they aren't the best quality. My cell phone was all I had and it sucks.:

Swarm 1





Swarm 2





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