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Cult of December


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The main bulk of the bases come from Groundwerks, the dead trees are twigs from a bush outside my house. The snow sprinkle is GW snow - normally I would make up snow from PVA and Bi-carb, but on these models I wanted the snow to be very thin, so as not to detract from the ice.

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  • 3 months later...

Its taken awhile for me to get back into Malifaux painting - I've been cracking out some ETC skaven. Now I am back in the zone with an update.

First is Raspy herself, who I finished about 3 months ago. I am not that happy at all with it, I tried a different colour scheme (well, coping the colours in the rules manual actually!!) but I just don't think I have got it right. I kid myself that I may strip it and do it again.


Now it probably wasn't helped by the varnish pooling, but too late to cry over that.

Next up is the Essence of Power. This is actually a really great scult that almost paints itself. The one issue I have with it is the boggle eyes - what is going on there?!?!

One of the reasons for the warm red spot colour on the pants is to draw the attention away from the eyes to the centre of the model, hopefully it works.




I hope you like!

Edited by eudaimon
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Incredible work throughout the thread. The tones you're getting with the blues and the white highlights work really well together.

I also really love the bases. The sparse twig-trees really look like something out of a barren winter wasteland and evoke the feel of the Cult of December. I also love the hanging ice effects, really inspiring work!

Thanks for posting these!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, on with Snow Storm, the last Raspy model for a while I think.


Typical white basecoat, then I focused on the flesh. In this case I wanted it to have an almost undead, frozen look, so focused on cold purples.


Once the flesh was done, the coat was easy! It almost painted itself. Its a really nice colour in the flesh, and I am very happy with it (much more so than the similar colour I tried to use on Raspy herself).

But of course, Snow can't hang around with her pet Storm, so here is Storm! I did do some step by steps, but seem to have lost the pictures. Urk. I basically tried "juice" painting, in otherwords painting starting with the highlights, then slowly shading down, using really thin paint (and using Vallejo Glaze medium). I am not totally happy with the result, but he does pop, and I'll take it for a first try of a new technique.


Basing will come in a bit, got a base on order.


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So, with Raspy parked, its time to paint up her sister in all things arcane, Collette. Though quite what interaction Raspy and Collette would have, apart from through Ramos, is very unsure in my mind.


Here are some WIPS, final models will come shortly. I have decided to give my showgirls all the same costume, to keep them together as a crew, rather than having lots of different colours as in the main box set. I hope it will work. The reds here are based coated with my patented "paint red without actually using red" technique, its basically oranges and browns and washes. It will get highlighted up soon enough.

The sheer stockings is another new technique I am trying, and I am quite happy with how it turned out. Apologies for the pics - my camera seems to have forgotten how to focus recently (and yes, it still is on macro mode). Wyrd.




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  • 1 year later...

And a return to December. I know I said no more Malifaux for a while, but I got inspired, what can I say.

A little bit of a disappointing model based on the concepts unfortunately. The scale is all wrong, Raspy looks far too small, the legs are too small and the pose is all static.

BUT, I did love getting the December theme out again, which made me happy.


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Nicely done Avatar.

The Scale does look a bit off until you consider that (according to the fluff anyways) the avatars legs break at the knees everytime it steps (this is one reason I plan on doing mine with a trail of broken legs and such trailing behind).

The ice base looks as if it has some kind of light in it, is that the case? If not the only suggestion I would offer is to apply a thin turqouise wash to it.

By the way I really prefer that head to the other one.

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The base is the clear resion snow rock from Dark Age I think. I painted the base beneath a mottled Electric Blue - White mix, that is what gives it the slightly blue hue. Unforunately, I can't wash it as it is pure resin with no primer down for the wash to take to.

The icicles are the same as on my other December models - Araldite. I simply make some lines of Araldite, let is dry, then cut it to suit the icicle.

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