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Looking for advice on purchase for Pandora


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Hi guys, played a few games quite a long time ago with my Zoraida crew. Trying to get started again and going with Pandora. Apart from the Hag's box I have the waldengeist, and Pandoras crew.

As I currently do not have the books, I look for some advice on what to grab. As I am a bit low on funds, I have to settle for a few models this time around.

Trying to build a list that is not too tricky to play and fairly well rounded.

Here are the models I am considering, any advice greatly appreciated.



Hooded rider



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You have Chosen well sir.

I think you said you have the Pandora starter box which is really all you need to go around stomping skulls for a while. Untill you move up to 30+ SS you really need nothing more then that as Sorrows, Kade, and Candy are utterly amazing with Pandora and do an excellent job at teaching you her core mechanics.

But for additional models as you move on, the Twins (Lelu and Lilitu) are a absolute must as is the Doppelganger. Once Madness comes out you should pick them up without a doubt (probably her most useful minion next to Sorrows and closely tied with Stitched Together). Otherwise Teddy is not bad with Pandora, but it all depends on the style of crew you want to go with her.

But you picked well if you are going to dabble in the Dreamer later on.

If your curious about some advice on Pandora or the Dreamer, check out my Tactica's link on my Sig. They are huge but give you everything you need to get going with the crews =)

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Glad to hear that I made a sound choise. I realized that I have models that can be proxied for the time beeing to try Stitched and Hooded rider. I dont know the rules for the stitched, but if I understand correct they are mainly used to protect the crew. I do own Waldengeist, maybe one of them could be useful with the uproot spell, given that there is forrest on the table.

Also thanks for the link to the tactic write up, my sunday is saved!

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I dont know the rules for the stitched, but if I understand correct they are mainly used to protect the crew.

I don't think you really understand them at all then :) You will be pleased to hear they can also hit like a frieght train especially if the target has a :-fate; flip on Wp from Project Emotions. 2/3/7 damage is nothing to be laughed at.

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