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The Obligatory New Year Resolution Thread

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So how do people plan to better themselves in 2011? We all make resolutions and we all know we'll inevitably fail, but it's good to let as many people know what you're planning in the slim hope that since so many people know you might feel slightly more enthusiastic about adhering to your resolutions.

Mine are, in no particular order:

- learn to drive. This always seemed like a stupid one since I live in a city and couldn't afford a car anyway, but I might as well try eh?

- use that rowing machine I bought and quickly got bored of.

- finish decorating the bathroom, it's been half done for two years....

- get a new bed before my current one collapses.

- Learn how to deal with Coryphee.*

- Paint EVERYTHING I OWN. Shouldn't be too hard as I'm up to date with purchases and don't (yet) feel the need to start a new army/faction/crew for any games. Well, maybe Hamelin when he appears. And Puppet Wars if that's this year. And Warlands is pretty cool. Oh and we're planning on resurrecting Gorkamorka around here. Oh also I'm really liking the look of some of the new Dark Age stuff......

.....Ah bollocks.......

edit: *

Edited by DangerousBeans
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1: Paint the rest of my models.

2: Get BACK to the gym and get back to my regiment of actually lifting heavy things and eating right(that whole thanksgiving to xmas time sucks for this).

3: Get my league details finished and posted for everyone to see

4: Go to Gencon....AGAIN!!!

5: Get a new place to live, apartments suck!

6: Get Promoted (soon, so I guess it doesn't really count)

7: Get my local con ready to go.

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I found a special someone on here! :)

You met someone on the internet....ick. They could be a 55 year old Furry loving serial rapist with hygiene issues. Especially if you met them on these forums. :)

I kid, I kid. Today is actually the 7 year anniversary of my wife and I's first date. We met on the internet way back before it was normal. We actually just started telling our families this holiday season that we actually met online, for years we had an elaborate lie concocted to hide the truth because both our families(especially my wife's) would be weird about it.

Anyways good luck everyone with there resolutions.

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1. Paint my minis (got my Pandora crew done over the weekend, so a good start already!).

2. Lose 20 lbs.

3. Play more Malifaux!

*blushes!* If anything I am the lucky one! He travelled goodness knows how many miles just to see me! Well watch this space is all I can say! :love:

Good for you Hayzel! Don't be too rough on him and watch the sweets. ;)

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