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I hate SuperGlue!


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It is neither Super nor Glue-y!!!

For the life of me I cannot get it to work. I stick on a Death-Marshal's arm. All seems ok. Minutes later I merelt breath on it and thing falls off!!!!!

Is there any way I can solder on the bits? That way when it doesn't work I can vent my anger and burn the house down....!


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@WarmasterOJB: Don't get me started on green stuff! I make up a lump and it hardens in my hand. I try to apply a bit and it sticks to my finger ... so I use a metal modelling tool and it sticks to that!

@Nathan: Is Gorilla Glu available in UK? It's where I am - and if you listen carefully you can hear me screaming!

Seriously though - GStuff seems to have worked in keeping him on his coffin ... or have I spoken too soon?

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For super glue there are also activators for faster gluing. I never used them though. Try greenstuff.

Be careful with activators(or glue accelerators). They make glue dry faster(in some cases instantly) but the joint is much weaker.

Also the fumes are a lot worse for you and you have a much greater chance of glueing yourself to the model.

Personally I stick to Zap-a-Gap. Which most hobby stores carry. Seems to work best.

Honestly it sounds like you have two problems. One, you are not pinning your models. Pinning does a lot to help keep parts in place as glue dries. Second it sounds like you are using way to much glue. You really need only the small bit of glue to keep parts together. The more you use the longer it takes to dry and you get parts falling off.

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@WarmasterOJB: Don't get me started on green stuff! I make up a lump and it hardens in my hand. I try to apply a bit and it sticks to my finger ... so I use a metal modelling tool and it sticks to that!

@NBathan: Is Gorilla Glu available in UK? It's where I am - and if you listen carefully you can hear me screaming!

Seriously though - GStuff seems to have worked in keeping him on his coffin ... or have I spoken too soon?

When working with green stuff, I ALWAYS keep a bucket of clean water nearby, and am constantly dunking my fingers or tools in it. That's how you keep it from sticking to everything. However, you can also carve GS to some extent after it's fully dried.

As for glue, the Gel kind works really good. The other thing you can do is to by Cyanoacrylate (CA). It's still 'super glue', but the brands that actually sell it with the CA chemical listed right on the front, are usually a bit stronger types of glue. At least, that's been my experience.

I also find that filing down the joint helps in fit up, but if you file it too much, the surfaces become smooth, and then there's nothing for the glue to grab onto. So don't file things too much if you can avoid it.

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@WarmasterOJB: Don't get me started on green stuff! I make up a lump and it hardens in my hand. I try to apply a bit and it sticks to my finger ... so I use a metal modelling tool and it sticks to that!?

I use to have this problem until someone told me the secret. Wet your hands and tools with a little bit of water. It will prevent the green stuff from sticking.

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I also find that filing down the joint helps in fit up, but if you file it too much, the surfaces become smooth, and then there's nothing for the glue to grab onto. So don't file things too much if you can avoid it.

I actually go back with my blade and score the glue faces before attachment, makes a stronger bond.

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Thanks everyone. I have tried all sorts over the years and always been frustrated. I just need more patience (and I need it NOW!) I will try the water for GS, I will also try pinnig. BUT. What I don't want is to ruin these lovely Wyrd figures. I will have to practice on something else - but I WANT to make the Wyrd ones NOW!

Finally: I tried priming the areas on both parts with SuperGlue. Applying a thin layer. Letting it set for 5-10 mins. Applying a second layer. Ataching the parts. It seems to have stuck the coffin to the Street Insert I am using on the base.

But time will tell.

Once again - thanks everyone.

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To be honest, there are just some joints that are crazy weak, unfortunately, and you have to continually be careful with them. Like, for instance, Sword Viks hands, or the Coryphee/Mannequin arms. Just gotta be careful when you handle the pieces. They may seem like they are glued well, but will still break if too much pressure is put on them, or if they get dropped.

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A handheld dremel tool makes pinning go a lot faster.

I pin almost all my joints these days. The difference is remarkable.

Be careful with a dremel, though. It's too easy to drill trough something or slip and scar some other part.

I only started pinning things about 6 month ago. Before I had a lot of trouble with superglue. Many things needed multiple applications before things finally stuck. Pinning made a HUGE difference. Things are so much easier now and the joints are so much stronger.

Just be careful and go slowly. Get the smallest bit you can find. I use a #60 bit that is perfect because it's just a tiny bit larger than a standard small paperclip. So I can get pins easily and cheaply. Mark the location to pin with an X using a hobby knife so you don't slip and drill in the wrong place.

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i have a dremel and it does make pinning alot easier, but i dont like doing it,

i just want to jump straight into gluing the mini's together nto digging up the dremel pluggin it in, finding some paperclips and all other stuff,

yes iam messy :P

i can recommend zapp-a-gap aswel, ive only been using it since august when i needed new superglue to tackle LCB, and hes still holdign strong! :D

iam actually pinning my peacekeeper right now downstairs, should go check up on him now to see if hes stil standing,

what also helps sometimes is to put some crudd in between the joins and then add glue to hold them together,

a thin paper hankerchief can do wonders or them kitchen cleaning paper, you will have to cut the excess paper off it after its hard, but it can help with those hard to glue joints :D

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When pinning don't apply too much pressure like I did, or the drill bit can snap, one half lodged in the mini, the other half lodged in a finger. Like what happened to me that time. I wouldn't recommend it.

Yeah, you lose the drill bit, but look! The "pin" is already in the model! Perfect fit too.

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It's official!

I stuck 20 base inserts into the bases yesterday. I primed both sides with a thin coat - left them to dry/cure and then added a second coat. Pressed the two bits together and left them overnight. This morning I did a slight stress-test on them and 14 came apart. (Including some that I got creative with and used green stuff over the slot.) They were as brittle as old bones.

I really hate this stuff now and it's ruining my appreciation of the hobby.


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