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New guild player needing help spending money


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Have just got in to Malifaux and picked up the main rule book, the lady J box and some guild guard. Was thinking of getting the austringer ( with hat to match the other guild guard), but was wondering what else was good to look at. I have friend buying me the lucius box set, and was thinking of buying the Sonnia Criid box set as I like her and the witchlings.

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Well, with the box sets you have picked up and coming, your only missing a couple things. The Ortega box is good to ave, worth it to pick up Perdita, Francisco, and Nino. I would also recommend picking up an executioner.

I find that the guild does not need much (if any) merc support. This may change with the friekorps librarian for healing but we (guild) can do pretty much everything else in house.

Lastly, your missing totems. As a player of Lady J primarily, I recommend the Gov Proxy and Scales of Justice.

So, my recommendations for next buys?

  1. Ortega box set
  2. Executioner
  3. Gov. Proxy
  4. Scales Justice
  5. Purifying Flame

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Excecutioner works well with what you have, and the autringers are also good. If you were feeling super-adventrous there's always a peacekeeper, as well. There are also many fans of taking mercenaries, especially Hans (although personally I'd go somewhat a more hitty route).

It surprises me that people take mercs with the guild. In my experience:

Guild as a whole >> convict gunslinger

Nino >> Hans

Judge >> Taelor/Johan

The mercies have some specific abilities that can be cool, such as Taelors reach and Hans ignoring magic terrain. Overall, however, I have not seen them be worth the extra cost or be as reliable as guild equivalents.

What am I missing?

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It surprises me that people take mercs with the guild. In my experience:

Guild as a whole >> convict gunslinger

Nino >> Hans

Judge >> Taelor/Johan

The mercies have some specific abilities that can be cool, such as Taelors reach and Hans ignoring magic terrain. Overall, however, I have not seen them be worth the extra cost or be as reliable as guild equivalents.

What am I missing?

Maybe a magical weapon (vs. spirits)? But then again, Witchlings have that at half the cost.

The only reason why I could ever see using Hans instead of Nino is because I don't like Nino's model at all, but then again I'd rather proxy with:



Glad there is a thread already dedicated to this topic because I really want to start a Guild force (I like shooty for the most part). Though I plan to get all book one masters and Luci at some point, I don't know where I should start.

Part of me really likes Perdita because I like the western feel and the high number of uniques, but I don't want to start off with one of the best masters right away because of "I don't like cheese all that much"-reasons.

Part of me really likes Criid because AoE without the risks of running a Papa, the appearance of witchlings, etc. but I dunno.

Lastly I really like LJ, but I don't understand how pine box works no matter how many times I read it. :/

I don't know which to get first, but perhaps knowing what my opponent plays can help.

My Opponent has:

Pandora (never uses though), but I hear Perdita is a good counter, but then again he never uses this crew.

Zora (the only one he used thus far), dunno who is best against her, and I just think I was lucky with Ophelia the last 2 times.

He is getting a Friekorps ready, and I know that their armor negates AoE/magic/etc., but they're generally very squishy (apparently).

He has also expressed great joy in hearing that Hamelin is coming soon, and I hear this guy is this closest thing to a boring-nightmare to play against in the game (I read terror and AoE, as well as killing rat catchers is key to winning). And because I play Gremlins (only Ophelia), Ht 1 models can't do a thing (wtf?!), and we only play slaughter because of language barriers (my Japanese isn't good enough and he knows very little English).

So with this all in mind; who would be the best master to pick?

I do know that regardless of who I pick, an Austringer and guards (?) are a good idea (already own a Governah's proxy).

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Just listened to the gamers lounge ep 17 that had a good bit about the lady J starter, it defiantly gave me so good ideas. I was thinking about the austringer so for 25ss plan is

Lady J

3x Death Marshal


2x guild guard

Lady J and death marshals go forward, with the guard do some damage at range then pilling in as well.

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Lastly I really like LJ, but I don't understand how pine box works no matter how many times I read it. :/

It's fairly simple. You start in range of the spell, spend your 2 ap to cast, get your casting total, and your target resists with wp. If they fail, you lock them in the box. Every turn you make an opposed wp -> wp duel to keep them in the box. Or rather, they make the duel, which makes you the defender, which means you get a bonus if they're undead. And you get a bonus if you can see the Gov's Proxy.

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